July Full Moon 2025: Buck Moon

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See the Full Buck Moon in July! It will take place on Thursday, July 10. The Full Moon will be in the constellation Sagittarius. Get the Sky Tonight app to easily navigate the night sky, identify the constellation of the Full Moon and nearby celestial objects. Keep reading and learn the best way to observe the Full Buck Moon and why it has such an unusual name.


When is the July Full Moon 2025?

On July 10, at 20:37 GMT (4:37 p.m. EDT), the Moon will reach its full phase. However, the exact timing isn't crucial for observers because, to the naked eye, the Moon will appear full the day before and after this moment too, with over 98% of the lunar disk illuminated. That’s why we talk about the Full Moon as an event that lasts all night, rather than a moment.

When will the July Full Moon rise?

Like any other Full Moon, the July Full Moon will rise along the eastern horizon at sunset and set in the west just before dawn. In the Northern Hemisphere, where nights are shorter this time of year, the Moon will remain quite low in the sky, even at midnight. Conversely, in the Southern Hemisphere, the Moon will reach a high position in the sky. You can learn more about this phenomenon from our article on the June Full Moon.

Moon phases in July 2025

Moon phases, July 2025
This is what the Moon will look like in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres on every day of July 2025. Explore the lunar phases more closely with our interactive Lunar Calendar.
  • First Quarter: July 2, 19:30 GMT (3:30 p.m. EDT)
  • Full Moon: July 10, 20:37 GMT (4:37 p.m. EDT)
  • Last Quarter: July 18, 00:38 GMT (July 17, 8:38 p.m. EDT)
  • New Moon: July 24, 19:11 GMT (3:11 p.m. EDT)

To find out exactly when the Moon will be above the horizon at your location, check the Moon tab in the calendar feature of Sky Tonight, or visit the Moon phases section on our website. There, you will find the lunar phases for each day, with moonrise and moonset times for where you live and additional information.

New Moon in July 2025

The New Moon occurs on July 24 at 19:11 GMT. It is the perfect time for stargazing! With the sky free of moonlight, you can spot some July meteors or challenge yourself with deep-sky observations. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced stargazer, there’s plenty to see! Need help finding the best celestial targets? The Visible Tonight feature in the Sky Tonight app will guide you to the brightest objects visible from your exact location.

What’s in the sky in July
Tap the telescope icon in the Sky Tonight app to instantly explore the top celestial events, planets, stars, and deep-sky objects visible in July from your exact location.

July Full Moon in Sagittarius

The Full Moon in July 2025 will be in the constellation Sagittarius, which belongs to the zodiac family.

The July Full Moon can appear in either of two zodiac constellations: Capricornus or, more frequently, Sagittarius. If you want to check which constellation the Moon is in tonight, the Sky Tonight app can help. It displays a real-time sky map that matches your location.

Bright star near the Full Moon in July

Three days before the Full Moon, on July 7, the Moon will meet Antares, the brightest star in Scorpius. In some locations, the Moon will even hide Antares, an event called lunar occultation.

July 7, 2025: Lunar occultation of Antares
Visibility map of the lunar occultation of Antares on July 7, 2025.

On the night of the Full Moon, the Moon will be in the constellation Sagittarius, which contains no 1st magnitude stars. The closest bright star to the Full Moon will be Nunki (mag 2).

Summer Triangle near the Full Moon in July

In the Northern Hemisphere, look up at the sky around midnight in July, and you'll see a giant star pattern called the Summer Triangle — it will shine above the Full Moon. This group of stars is easy to spot and shines brightly above us in the summer, even though you can actually see it any time of the year. Want to know more about these stars? Check out our article about the Summer Triangle! And if you're not sure you're looking at the right stars, the Sky Tonight app can help you confirm it.

July Full Moon and Summer Triangle
The giant triangle of bright stars above the July Full Moon in the northern sky is called the Summer Triangle.

How to observe the July Full Moon 2025?

The Full Moon will be seen all night long if the weather is good and no obstacles hinder your view. You can easily observe it with the naked eye or take a pair of binoculars or a small telescope to explore its craters. If you decide to use optics, better take filters because the Moon will be pretty bright – it won’t harm your eyes, but the shadows on the lunar surface will get fainter. Also, use the app Sky Tonight to find out the exact time and properties of the Full Moon for your location. If you want to take a stunning photo of this month’s Full Moon, the app Ephemeris will help you set up the composition by showing you how the lunar disk will look in a chosen location.

Will the July Full Moon 2025 look orange?

The July Full Moon will be closer to the horizon in the Northern Hemisphere than a usual Full Moon, so it won’t only look bigger (due to the effect called the Moon illusion) but also may change color. When the Moon is low, its light passes through more air, so it can look orange, pink, or red – the same effect causes our beautiful sunsets. Enjoy the view at the moonrise or moonset to see the intense color.

What is the July Full Moon called?

In different cultures, Full Moons often receive names that reflect the peculiarities of a particular season. For example, the July Full Moon is sometimes called the Halfway Summer Moon because it rises in the middle of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Its other common name is Thunder Moon because of the frequent thunderstorms in July.

Some July Full Moon names refer to animals. For instance, the Algonquin tribes of the northeastern United States named it “Buck Moon”, while American Indians in Alaska refer to it as the “Salmon Moon”.

In Anglo-Saxon culture, the July Full Moon was called the “Hay Moon” because it marked the time when farmers harvested and stored hay for the winter. A North American Indian tribe, the Mohawk, call it the “Time Of Much Ripening,” a nod to the abundant ripening across the United States during this period. The Shawnee from the Midwest name it the Blackberry Moon, while the Lakota refer to this Full Moon as “When The Chokecherries Are Black.”

July Full Moon names
The Full Moon in July is also known as the Buck Moon, Salmon Moon, and Thunder Moon.

Full Buck Moon meaning

According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, the popular Native American name for the July Full Moon is the Buck Moon. The young male deer (bucks) are sprouting new antlers this time of the year. By the end of July, most bucks’ antlers are fully formed, and the hardening process begins.

July Full Moon alternative names

Here are some other July Full Moon names coined by different cultures:

  • Chinese: Hungry Ghost Moon;
  • Celtic: Moon of Claiming;
  • Wiccan: Mead Moon;
  • Cherokee: Ripe Corn Moon;
  • Southern Hemisphere: Wolf Moon, Old Moon, Ice Moon.

When is the next Buck Moon?

The Buck Moon is the traditional name for the Full Moon in July. In 2025, the Buck Moon is on July 10, at 20:37 GMT (4:37 p.m. EDT). The Buck Moon after it will occur on July 29, 2026.

When is the next Full Moon 2025?

The next Full Moon is on August 9, 2025, at 07:55 GMT (3:55 a.m. EDT). Find the whole list of the Full Moons in 2025 with their traditional names in our infographic.

Full Moons 2025
When is the next Full Moon in 2025? When to see a Blood Moon this year? Check our Full Moon calendar for all dates, times, names, Supermoons, and more for the year.
See Infographic

Full Moon in July 2025: Conclusion

The Full Moon will occur on July 10, at 20:37 GMT (4:37 p.m. EDT). Native Americans call it the Buck Moon, because, in July, the young male deer (bucks) are sprouting new antlers. The July Full Moon will be unusually low above the horizon in the Northern Hemisphere sky and higher than usual in the Southern Hemisphere. Want to see its exact position and rise time in your area? Use the Sky Tonight app for real-time tracking. To learn when the next Full Moon is and what traditional name it has, check our Full Moon calendar 2025.
