Full Moon in May 2025: What Does the Flower Moon Mean?

~4 min

The May Full Moon will light up the sky on Monday, May 12, 2025, shining near the stars Zubenelgenubi and Antares. Want to know exactly what stars you’re seeing near the Moon tonight? Use the free Sky Tonight app to identify them instantly! Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about May’s Full Moon.


When is the Full Moon in May 2025?

Lunar calendar app
Check the lunar calendar in the free astronomy app Sky Tonight to find out all the details about the Moon, tied to your exact location.

The Moon will reach its full phase on May 12, 2025, at 16:56 GMT (12:56 p.m. EDT). At that moment, our natural satellite will be positioned in the constellation Libra. By the way, you don't have to strictly follow the timing to enjoy the beauty of our natural satellite: to the naked eye, the Moon will appear round and bright the day before and after reaching the full phase. You can see how the Moon will look in the sky on any chosen date in the Sky Tonight app: tap the calendar icon, open the Moon tab, and select any date. You will see an accurate 3D image of the Moon, which reflects the angular size and orientation of the real Moon as seen from your location.

May Moon phases 2025

Moon phases, May 2025
This is what the Moon will look like in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres on every day of May 2025. Explore the lunar phases more closely with our interactive Lunar Calendar.
  • First Quarter Moon: May 4, 13:52 GMT
  • Full Moon: May 12, 16:56 GMT
  • Last Quarter Moon: May 20, 11:59 GMT
  • New Moon: May 27, 03:02 GMT

Did you know? While the Full Moon is a stunning sight on its own, the best time to view the Moon through a telescope or binoculars is during its quarter phases! At these times, the Moon isn't overly bright, and the shadows cast across its surface reveal more detail.

May Full Moon in Libra

The May Full Moon can appear in either Scorpius or Libra, depending on the year. In 2025, it will shine in the constellation Libra. Next time the May Full Moon will be in Scorpius in 2026.

Bright star next to the May Full Moon

At the Full Moon date, the Moon will be located in the constellation Libra, which doesn’t host any bright first-magnitude stars. However, you can spot Zubenelgenubi, a second-magnitude star and the brightest in Libra, shining nearby.

By the next night, the Moon will move into Scorpius, where it will pass close to the reddish star Antares (mag 1.1), often called the "heart of the scorpion." The closest approach between the two will occur on May 14, just two days after the Full Moon, when the Moon will still appear fully illuminated to the naked eye.

In some locations, the Moon will even hide Antares from 02:31 to 06:57 GMT on May 14. This lunar occultation will be a spectacular sight, especially when viewed with binoculars.

May 14, 2025: Lunar occultation of Antares
Visibility map of the lunar occultation of Antares on May 14, 2025.

To easily find Antares in the sky, use the Sky Tonight app. You can also learn what planets are close to the Moon from our dedicated article.

Flower Moon meaning

The Flower Moon is one of the most popular names for the May Full Moon. Why is it called so? The answer is easy to guess: in the Northern Hemisphere, May is a blooming season for many flowers. Delighted by the beauty of the blossoming nature, the Native Americans named a Full Moon after it. If you look through all the Full Moon names, you’ll see that they are somehow connected to the features of nature typical for a particular month. Сheck out our colorful infographic and see for yourself!

Full Moons 2025
When is the next Full Moon in 2025? When to see a Blood Moon this year? Check our Full Moon calendar for all dates, times, names, Supermoons, and more for the year.
See Infographic

Astrologers believe that the Flower Moon signifies a perfect time to let out your deepest feelings and become more vulnerable. They also believe that May’s Full Moon is influenced by the sign Scorpio. However, in 2025, the May Full Moon will be located in Libra. You can check the Moon’s location yourself using Sky Tonight or Star Walk 2.

Full Moon in Libra
Quickly identify the constellation in which the Moon is located and the surrounding stars using the Star Walk 2 app!

May Full Moon alternative names

People in different parts of the world used to make up various names for the May Full Moon. Let’s take a look at some of them:

  • Chinese: Dragon Moon;
  • Celtic: Bright Moon;
  • Wiccan: Hare Moon;
  • Cherokee: Planting Moon;
  • Southern Hemisphere: Beaver Moon, Frost Moon.
May’s Full Moon in different cultures
May’s Full Moon in different cultures.

May Micromoon

May’s Full Moon will occur near its farthest point from Earth, a position called apogee. Because of this, it will appear about 5% smaller and 10% dimmer than an average Full Moon, making it a Micromoon — the opposite of a Supermoon. Curious about how Micromoons compare to Supermoons? Check out our infographic on these lunar events!

Supermoons & Micromoons
What is a Supermoon and a Micromoon? When to observe our natural satellite at its biggest and brightest? Take a look at this infographic to find it out!
See Infographic

When is the next Full Moon?

The next Full Moon will occur on June 11, 2025, at 07:44 GMT; it is commonly called the Strawberry Moon. Stay tuned for notifications in the Sky Tonight app and follow us on social media, so you won’t miss it! To learn about all the Full Moons of 2025, read our Full Moons Calendar.

When is the next Flower Moon?

The Flower Moon is the Full Moon that occurs in May, so the next Flower Moon after May 12, 2025, will take place next year — on May 31, 2026, at 08:45 GMT.

May Full Moon 2025: Key takeaways

The May Full Moon will take place on May 12, 2025, at 16:56 GMT. It is named the Flower Moon — after the flowers that bloom during this month. Use the Sky Tonight or Star Walk 2 app to learn the Moon’s current phase and position in the sky. We wish you clear skies and happy Moon-gazing!
