Full Moon Calendar 2025: Full Moons With Names, Dates, Supermoons, And Eclipses

~11 min

Get ready for an unforgettable year with 12 Full Moons, including three jaw-dropping Supermoons and two mesmerizing Blood Moons! Want to have a Moon calendar in your pocket to track them all? Download the Sky Tonight app and discover the exact dates of each Full Moon, see how the Moon will look on any day, and get notifications so you never miss a lunar event. Let's dive into the magic of 2025’s Full Moons!


Lunar calendar 2025: when to see a Full Moon?

Lunar Calendar 2025
All dates are set to London Time. Be sure to convert to your local time zone.

The lunar cycle is 29.5 days, so a Full Moon occurs roughly every month. In 2025, there will be a total of twelve Full Moons.

Here, we’ll solely concentrate on the Full Moons of 2025. However, Sky Tonight offers a convenient lunar calendar where you can discover the lunar phase on any specific date (even two hundred years from now), learn the moonrise and moonset times for your particular location, scroll through the dates, and see the way the Moon changes its appearance over time. To access this feature, simply tap on the calendar icon located on the main screen, select the Moon tab, and navigate through the dates.

Moon Calendar in Sky Tonight
Use the Moon calendar feature in the Sky Tonight app to find out the Moon phase for any day, its position in the sky, and the moonrise and moonset times for your location.

When is the next Full Moon 2025?

The next Full Moon in 2025, known as the Pink Moon, will occur on April 13, at 00:22 GMT. To the unaided eye, the Moon will appear fully illuminated the day before and after the exact date.

Full Moon Calendar 2025

Now, let's discuss the details of this year's Full Moons: dates, times, traditional names, and celestial events that can be seen on the Full Moon night or two-three days around it.

Full Moon January 2025: Wolf Moon

Full Moon in January 2025
The Wolf Moon on January 13 will become the first Full Moon in 2025. Many of the traditional names for the Full Moon in January are associated with snow and frost. There's even a title like Stay Home Moon that perfectly describes January nights in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • Date: January 13
  • Time: 22:27 GMT (5:27 p.m. EST)
  • Constellation: Gemini

Hearing the hungry wolves howling at the Moon during cold January nights, American and European villagers have dubbed this Full Moon the Wolf Moon. As the Full Moon in January 2025 is the first after winter solstice, it may also be called Moon After Yule, according to European tradition.

The other names for the January Full Moon include:

  • Chinese: Holiday Moon
  • Celtic: Quiet Moon
  • Cherokee: Cold Moon
  • Southern Hemisphere: Hay Moon, Buck Moon, Thunder Moon, Mead Moon

What to see around the Full Moon night in January 2025?

This January, if we're lucky, the wolves will howl not only at the Moon but also at the naked-eye comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS). On January 13, it is expected to come closest to the Sun and Earth and reach maximum visibility (magnitude around -2.0). We have a regularly updated article dedicated to comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) – check it for the latest news.

Also, this month, the Full Moon will be surrounded by a brilliant array of stars. From January 11 to 14, it will be passing through the Winter Hexagon asterism, which is composed of six stars: Sirius, Procyon, Rigel, Aldebaran, Pollux, and Capella. On January 14, the Moon will also meet Mars and pass by the Beehive star cluster.

Full Moon February 2025: Snow Moon

Full Moon in February 2025
The second Full Moon in 2025, known as Snow Moon, will occur on February 12. Many of the traditional names for the Full Moon in February are associated with snow, ice, and hunger.
  • Date: February 12
  • Time: 13:53 GMT (8:53 a.m. EST)
  • Constellation: Leo

As February is the month of heavy snowfalls in North America, the February Full Moon was named Snow Moon. Some tribes also called it Hunger Moon, as the harsh weather conditions in February made hunting difficult, leading to scarce food sources.

Other cultures also have their own names for the February Full Moon:

  • Chinese: Budding Moon
  • Celtic: Ice Moon
  • Cherokee: Bony Moon
  • Southern Hemisphere: Grain Moon, Barley Moon, Red Moon, Dog Moon

What to see around the Full Moon night in February 2025?

On its way to the full phase, the Moon will be accompanied by several bright dots. On February 9, it will meet Mars. On February 10, it will come close to Pollux. On February 11, the Moon will be close to the Beehive star cluster. And finally, on February 12, on the Full Moon night, the bright star Regulus will shine next to the Moon.

Full Moon March 2025: Worm Moon, Blood Moon, Micromoon

Full Moon in March 2025
The third Full Moon in 2025 will occur on March 14. This month marks the equinox: in the Northern Hemisphere, winter gives way to spring, which is reflected in the traditional names for the March Full Moon. The most popular of them is Worm Moon, but many other Full Moon names are connected with winds: as air temperatures rise in early spring, strong winds are common.
  • Date: March 14
  • Time: 06:55 GMT (01:55 a.m. EST)
  • Constellation: Leo

Worm Moon was named after the earthworms that appeared as ground thaws. Some tribes have dubbed this Moon the Snow Crust Moon, which refers to the unique weather conditions that occur during early spring. The days grow warmer, but the nights are still cold, so the snow thaws during the daylight hours and then refreezes, forming a crust.

Alternative Full Moon names for this month include:

  • Chinese: Sleepy Moon
  • Celtic: Moon of Winds
  • Cherokee: Windy Moon
  • Southern Hemisphere: Harvest Moon, Corn Moon

The Full Moon in March 2025 will be the first Micromoon of the year. It will be 4% smaller and 8.3% dimmer than a regular Full Moon.

What to see around the Full Moon night in March 2025?

This year, the March Full Moon will coincide with a total lunar eclipse when the Earth's shadow completely covers the Moon, giving it a reddish hue. This phenomenon is often referred to as Blood Moon.

Full Moon April 2025: Pink Moon, Micromoon

Full Moon in April 2025
The fourth Full Moon in 2025, or the Pink Moon, will occur on April 13. Most of the April Full Moon names are associated with pink flowers, like phloxes and peonies. Some think the lunar disc itself should be pink this month, but that’s not true.
  • Date: April 13
  • Time: 00:22 GMT (April 12, 8:22 p.m. EDT)
  • Constellation: Virgo

The name of the April Full Moon has nothing to do with the Moon’s color: it represents the hue of the wild ground phlox – one of the earliest flowers to bloom this month. As this Full Moon is the first after the spring equinox, it will also be the Paschal Moon. In the Christian ecclesiastical calendar, the first Sunday after the Paschal Moon is the date of Easter (in 2025, it will be April 20).

The other common April Full Moon names are:

  • Chinese: Peony Moon
  • Celtic: Growing Moon
  • Cherokee: Flower Moon
  • Southern Hemisphere: Harvest Moon, Hunter’s Moon

The Full Moon in April 2025 will be the second Micromoon of the year. It will be 5.1% smaller and 11% dimmer than a regular Full Moon.

What to see around the Full Moon night in April 2025?

As the Full Moon will be in Virgo this month, you can find Virgo’s brightest star, Spica, shining near the lunar disc.

Full Moon May 2025: Flower Moon, Micromoon

Full Moon in May 2025
The fifth Full Moon in 2025, or Flower Moon, will occur on May 12. This month is the blooming season for many flowers; that’s why it’s known as the Flower Moon.
  • Date: May 12
  • Time: 16:56 GMT (12:56 p.m. EDT)
  • Constellation: Libra

As one might guess, May is the season for many flowers to bloom, hence the name for the May Full Moon. Some tribes call it after specific, regionally significant flowers and blooms (Mulberry Moon, Camas Blooming Moon).

In other cultures, the May Full Moon is referred to as:

  • Chinese: Dragon Moon
  • Celtic: Bright Moon
  • Cherokee: Planting Moon
  • Southern Hemisphere: Beaver Moon, Frost Moon

The Full Moon in May 2025 will also be the last Micromoon of the year. It will be 5% smaller and 10% dimmer than a regular Full Moon.

What to see around the Full Moon night in May 2025?

Two days before the Full Moon, on May 10, you can spot the star Spica near the Moon. On May 14, the reddish star Antares will shine next to the lunar disc.

Full Moon June 2025: Strawberry Moon

Full Moon in June 2025
The sixth Full Moon in 2025 will occur on June 11. It is traditionally called Strawberry Moon, and it makes some people think the Full Moon in June should give off a reddish hue. Sometimes, it really does happen (for example, when the Strawberry Moon coincides with a lunar eclipse or is observed low above the horizon), but this effect has nothing to do with the name.
  • Date: June 11
  • Time: 07:44 GMT (3:44 a.m. EDT)
  • Constellation: Ophiuchus

For the North American native tribes, June was the month of harvesting wild strawberries; that’s why the Full Moon in June became associated with these sweet red berries. Surprisingly, in 2009, the Moon naming tradition was joined by a rather unusual “tribe”: NASA employees. In June 2009, they launched the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) mission to study the Moon. Since then, they have called the Full Moon in June the LRO Moon.

Alternative June Full Moon names are:

  • Chinese: Lotus Moon
  • Celtic: Moon of Horses
  • Cherokee: Green Corn Moon
  • Southern Hemisphere: Oak Moon, Cold Moon, Long Night’s Moon

What to see around the Full Moon night in June 2025?

One day before the Full Moon, on June 10, you can find Antares, the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius, shining next to the Moon.

Full Moon July 2025: Buck Moon

Full Moon in July 2025
The seventh Full Moon in 2025, or Buck Moon, will occur on July 10. It is traditionally associated with deer, as July marks the antlers-growing season for them. By the way, antlers are the fastest-growing bones in the world: they gain about 2.5 centimeters a day.
  • Date: July 10
  • Time: 20:37 GMT (4:37 p.m. EDT)
  • Constellation: Sagittarius

The Full Moon in July is known as the Buck Moon as young male deer (also known as bucks) grow new antlers this month. In Celtic culture, the July Full Moon was sometimes named Wyrt Moon. Wyrt (or Wort, if you follow the modernized spelling) is an old English word meaning “plant,” and this name refers to the herbs and plants that are fully grown by this time of the year.

The other traditional July Full Moon names include:

  • Chinese: Hungry Ghost Moon
  • Celtic: Moon of Claiming
  • Cherokee: Ripe Corn Moon
  • Southern Hemisphere: Wolf Moon, Old Moon, Ice Moon

What to see around the Full Moon night in July 2025?

Three days before the Full Moon, on July 7, find Antares shining next to the lunar disc. Also, three days after the Full Moon, on June 13, Venus will meet Antares in the sky. This event is for the early birds: both objects will be visible before sunrise.

Full Moon August 2025: Sturgeon Moon

Full Moon in August 2025
The eighth Full Moon in 2025, or Sturgeon Moon, will occur on August 9. It is named after the sturgeon – the fish that is sometimes nicknamed a living fossil, as sturgeons have been living on the Earth since prehistoric times and haven’t changed much since then. Nowadays, sturgeons are an endangered species group.
  • Date: August 9
  • Time: 07:55 GMT (3:55 a.m. EDT)
  • Constellation: Capricornus

In August, Native American tribes used to fish for lake sturgeon, which can be abundant and easy to catch during late summer. Also, the Full Moon in August marked the start of the harvesting season in the Northern Hemisphere. Different Native American tribes referred to the August Full Moon as Corn Moon, Ricing Moon, and Black Cherries Moon. The Anglo-Saxons called it the Grain Moon.

The other traditional August Full Moon names include:

  • Chinese: Harvest Moon
  • Celtic: Dispute Moon
  • Cherokee: Fruit Moon
  • Southern Hemisphere: Snow Moon, Storm Moon, Hunger Moon, Wolf Moon

What to see around the Full Moon night in August 2025?

Three days after the Full Moon, on August 12, the Moon will meet Saturn in the sky. On the same day, you can find Venus shining next to Jupiter in the morning sky.

Full Moon September 2025: Corn Moon, Blood Moon

Full Moon in September 2025
The ninth Full Moon in 2025, or Corn Moon, will occur on September 7. This month marks the equinox: in the Northern Hemisphere, summer changes into autumn. The harvesting season is coming, which is echoed in many of the traditional names of the September Full Moon.
  • Date: September 7
  • Time: 18:09 GMT (2:09 p.m. EDT)
  • Constellation: Aquarius

In September, the corn is ready for harvesting, so the Native American tribes often associated the September Full Moon with the corn. Possible variations of the name include Corn Moon and Corn Maker Moon.

The other traditional September Full Moon names are:

  • Chinese: Chrysanthemum Moon
  • Celtic: Singing Moon
  • Cherokee: Nut Moon
  • Southern Hemisphere: Worm Moon, Lenten Moon, Crow Moon, Sugar Moon, Chaste Moon

What to see around the Full Moon night in September 2025?

The September Full Moon in 2025 gives us the second Blood Moon of the year: on September 7, we’ll see a total lunar eclipse when the Earth's shadow will completely cover the lunar disc, giving it a reddish hue.

On September 8, the Moon will meet Saturn in the sky, and on September 12, you will find it shining near the Pleiades star cluster.

Full Moon October 2025: Harvest Moon, Supermoon

Full Moon in October 2025
The tenth Full Moon in 2025, or Harvest Moon, will occur on October 7. In some cultures, it is called Blood Moon, regardless of whether there is a lunar eclipse (which also often goes by that moniker). The name refers to the hunting season that traditionally starts in October.
  • Date: October 7
  • Time: 03:48 GMT (October 6, 11:48 p.m. EDT)
  • Constellation: Pisces

The Harvest Moon is the name given to the Full Moon, which happens closest to the autumn equinox. This year, the equinox occurs on September 22, so the Full Moon on October 7 is the Harvest Moon. It got its name for a reason: the Harvest Moon rises soon after the Sun goes down. In the past, this gave farmers extra time for harvesting in the evening, under the moonlight.

Alternative October Full Moon names are:

  • Chinese: Kindly Moon
  • Wiccan: Blood Moon
  • South African: Seed Moon
  • Southern Hemisphere: Egg Moon, Fish Moon, Pink Moon, Waking Moon

The Full Moon in October 2025 will be the first Supermoon of the year. It will be 6.6% bigger and 13% brighter than a regular Full Moon.

What to see around the Full Moon night in October 2025?

On October 6, you can spot a bright dot near the Moon; this will be Saturn. On October 8, you can see Jupiter and Pollux shining close to each other in the moonlit sky.

Full Moon November 2025: Hunter’s Moon, Supermoon

Full Moon in November 2025
The eleventh Full Moon in 2025, or Hunter’s Moon, will occur on November 5. The Hunting Moon is connected to the Harvest Moon. The reasoning is quite simple: on the Harvest Moon, farmers harvest their crops, and then a month later, on the Hunting Moon, hunters easily find animals scouring the empty fields in search of food.
  • Date: November 5
  • Time: 13:19 GMT (8:19 a.m. EST)
  • Constellation: Aries

Hunter’s Moon is the Full Moon that follows the Harvest Moon. This year, it occurs in November. A more common name for the November Full Moon is Beaver Moon, as this month was the time to hunt for beavers.

The other traditional November Full Moon names are:

  • Chinese: White Moon
  • Cree: Frost Moon
  • Celtic: Dark Moon
  • Southern Hemisphere: Corn Moon, Milk Moon, Hare Moon

The Full Moon in November 2025 will be the Supermoon. It will also be the biggest and brightest Supermoon of the year (7.9% bigger and 16% brighter than a regular Full Moon).

What to see around the Full Moon night in November 2025?

On November 2, the Moon will meet Saturn in the sky, and on November 6, you will find it shining near the Pleiades star cluster.

Full Moon December 2025: Cold Moon, Supermoon

Full Moon December 2025
The Full Moon on December 4, or Cold Moon, will become the last Full Moon in 2025. In many cultures, its name is associated with cold, snow, and long nights.
  • Date: December 4
  • Time: 23:14 GMT (6:14 p.m. EDT)
  • Constellation: Taurus

The Full Moon in December is traditionally known as the Cold Moon, as this is the month of the longest and coldest nights in the Northern Hemisphere. Also, as the Full Moon in December is the last before the winter solstice, it can be called Moon Before Yule, according to European tradition.

In other cultures, it’s also called:

  • Chinese: Bitter Moon
  • English Medieval: Oak Moon
  • Cherokee: Snow Moon
  • Southern Hemisphere: Strawberry Moon, Honey Moon, Rose Moon

The Full Moon in December 2025 will be the last Full Moon and the last Supermoon of the year. It will be 7.9% bigger and 15% brighter than a regular Full Moon.

What to see around the Full Moon night in December 2025?

On the Full Moon night, you can find the perfectly round lunar disc shining next to the Pleiades star cluster. Then, on December 7, the Moon will meet Jupiter and Pollux. Also, the morning of December 7 is the best time to see Mercury, as it will be far enough from the Sun to be visible.

Frequently asked questions about Full Moons

What is a Full Moon?

A Full Moon is a lunar phase that occurs when the Earth is positioned between the Sun and the Moon. In this alignment, the entire visible surface of the Moon is illuminated by the Sun's light, making it appear as a bright, round disk in the night sky. Visit the lunar calendar on our website to learn more about the celestial mechanics behind the Moon phases.

How often does a Full Moon occur?

The lunar cycle is 29.5 days, so a Full Moon occurs roughly every month, but sometimes there can be two Full Moons in a month – the second one is called a Blue Moon.

How long does a Full Moon last?

From an astronomical perspective, a Full Moon is an event that lasts just a brief moment. However, to the unaided eye, the Moon appears full for several days around this exact moment.

How many Full Moons are there in 2025?

In 2025, there will be a total of twelve Full Moons. Explore them all in our colorful infographic.

Full Moons 2025
When is the next Full Moon in 2025? When to see a Blood Moon this year? Check our Full Moon calendar for all dates, times, names, Supermoons, and more for the year.
See Infographic

Why do Full Moons have names?

The tradition of naming Full Moons has been around for centuries; the practice spans many cultures around the world. Before the widespread use of calendars, people used the lunar cycles to keep track of time and to plan their activities. Naming the Full Moons helped to identify and remember specific times of the year. Many Full Moon names are associated with seasonal events and agricultural practices, like the Harvest Moon. Certain Full Moons are named after natural events that typically occur during that time of year, such as the Wolf Moon in January and the Strawberry Moon in June.

What is a Supermoon?

The prefix “super” indicates that the Full Moon aligns closely with our Moon's nearest point to the Earth, known as perigee. Consequently, such a Full Moon appears larger and brighter than the typical ones. Visit our article about Supermoons to learn more about this celestial event.

When is the next Supermoon 2025?

In 2025, according to the Supermoon calendar by NASA astrophysicist Fred Espenak, we’ll have three Supermoons: on October 7, November 5, and December 4. Check our infographic to learn more about Supermoons and discover their dates for the next few years.

Supermoons & Micromoons
What is a Supermoon and a Micromoon? When to observe our natural satellite at its biggest and brightest? Take a look at this infographic to find it out!
See Infographic

What is a Micromoon?

Basically, a Micromoon is the opposite of a Supermoon. It occurs when the Full Moon closely coincides with the apogee (when the Moon is the farthest from the Earth). Consequently, such a Full Moon appears smaller and dimmer than the typical ones. In 2025, according to the Micromoon calendar by NASA astrophysicist Fred Espenak, we’ll see the Micromoons on March 14, April 13, and May 12.

When is the next Blood Moon?

If you use the Blood Moon as an alternative name for a total lunar eclipse, it will occur on March 13-14, 2025. However, if you're referring to the Blood Moon as the name of the October Full Moon in the Wiccan tradition, then it will take place on October 7, 2025.

Full Moon calendar 2025: to sum up

In 2025, we’ll see 12 Full Moons; three of them will be Supermoons, which means that they look bigger and brighter than usual. Also, this year, we get as many as two Blood Moons. Use the Sky Tonight app to find out the Moon's phases, rise and set times, and current location in the sky!
