Messier Marathon 2025: How to See 110 Deep-Sky Objects In One Night?

The Messier Marathon is the most popular stargazing competition, challenging people to spot as many Messier objects as possible in just one night. Ready to take on the challenge but unsure of where to begin? We’ve got you covered! With our Sky Tonight app at your fingertips and this comprehensive guide, you’ll navigate through the star-studded sky with ease. Let’s get started!


Introduction to the Messier Marathon

Who was Charles Messier?

Charles Messier was an 18th-century French astronomer, who is best known for creating his "Catalog of Nebulae and Star Clusters.” Originally, he created it to help comet hunters by distinguishing fixed celestial bodies that could easily be mistaken for comets.

What is the Messier Catalog?

The Messier Catalog is a collection of some of the brightest deep-sky objects, most of which are visible from the Northern Hemisphere. It comprises 110 objects, each identified by an "M" followed by a number. Some of them also have proper names (like the Pleiades or the Andromeda Galaxy).

What are the Messier objects?

The Messier objects are deep-sky objects of the three main types – nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies. To an observer, they look like fuzzy, cloud-like spots in the sky. The number of visible objects varies depending on the location of the observer and the time of year. The most crowded areas are the Virgo Cluster and the region around the Galactic Center.

What is a Messier Marathon?

The Messier Marathon is an astronomical challenge that invites enthusiasts to observe all 110 objects listed in the Messier Catalog in a single night. Developed in the 1970s by American astronomers Tom Holfelder, Donald Machholz, and Tom Reiland, this event tests observing skills and endurance.

How can I participate in the Messier Marathon?

The Messier Marathon is designed for both experienced astronomers and those new to stargazing. You can take part in it with your local astronomy club, with your friends and family, or even just on your own.

Want to find out how good you are at stargazing before starting off? Test your skills with our stargazing quiz!

How Good Are You at Stargazing?
Can you tell a star from a planet and a satellite from a plane? Do you know basic asterisms? Test your stargazing skills and knowledge with this quiz!
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Where does the Messier Marathon take place?

The Messier Marathon is an event for observers in the Northern Hemisphere. Unfortunately, only a few Messier objects are visible from the Southern Hemisphere. The ideal conditions to view the Messier objects are between 20 degrees south and 55 degrees north, worldwide.

How to prepare for the Messier Marathon?

Charles Messier didn't have the fancy gadgets to help him spot deep-sky objects, but luckily, you do! If you're new to stargazing and not too strict about doing everything the old-fashioned way, using apps like Sky Tonight can really help you get ready for the Messier Marathon. Here's how to make the most of it:

  • First, find out your longitude. Go to Menu – Settings – General – Location, and you’ll see your longitude and latitude if you're letting the app use your device location.
  • Look up the Stargazing Index for the night you plan to observe. You'll find this in the Visible Tonight section (a telescope icon on the main screen). A high percentage means a good night for stargazing.
  • Find out when astronomical twilight begins in your area. Go to the Calendar feature, select the Sky tab, and look for the astronomical twilight start time for the desired date. This is when you should be ready to observe.
Messier Objects in Sky Tonight
Choose the best time and location for stargazing with the free astronomy app Sky Tonight.
  • Get to know the Messier objects better. Just search "Messier" in the app, and you'll see a list pop-up. Browse through the list to learn objects’ names and what they look like. Click on any object to get more details about it.
  • Quickly find a Messier object in the sky. Enter the object's name in the search bar, hit the blue target button next to its name, and then press the compass icon. The app will show you where to look for the object in the real sky. Just move your device following the white arrow on your screen until it aligns with the object.
  • Set up alerts for when Messier objects rise and set. After searching for an object and tapping on it, go to its Events section. Under Visible Passes, you'll see its rise, peak, and set times. Press and hold a time to set a notification. Customize it, and the app will remind you so you won't miss seeing an object.
Find Messier objects with Sky Tonight
Even if you are new to stargazing, the Sky Tonight app will help you prepare for the Messier Marathon.

Messier Marathon tips

Even with the help of the app, seeing all 110 objects in one night is quite challenging. Weather, sky conditions, and landscape can make it easier or harder. Here is how to prepare:

  • Choose a location between 20 degrees south and 55 degrees north, with a clear view of the horizon (especially facing west and southeast).
  • Plan for a long night with appropriate supplies (warm clothes, food, and drinks).
  • Use a high-quality 3-inch (or larger) telescope to see the faint objects, and keep 10x50 binoculars handy for the brighter ones.
  • Learn about the Messier objects in advance and try to find some of them on different nights before the Marathon.
  • Start at astronomical twilight, so you're all set to see the first Messier objects when they show up.
  • If you can't find an object quickly, don't get stuck on it. Move on so you don't miss others.
  • Be careful not to miss an object, because once it sets, it's gone for the night. However, there are a few exceptions, such as M52, M103, M31, M32, M110, and M76, that may show up in the early morning to give you a second chance.
  • Now that you've seen what you can, you may have to wait for more to become visible. This might be a good time to take a break. Think about taking a nap and coming back around 3 a.m. to continue.
Twilight and Magic Hours Explained
When is twilight? What types of twilight are there? What are “magic hours”? Check out our infographic to get answers to these questions.
See Infographic

Enjoy the experience! Not everyone will spot all Messier objects in a single night, but the journey itself is fun. Remember, you can tailor the Marathon to suit your preferences and capabilities. Consider breaking it into smaller sessions to observe all 110 objects over the spring.

What should I start with?

Start by observing the objects in the western sky, as they will soon disappear behind the horizon due to the Earth's rotation. Key targets to start with are galaxies M74 and M77 – they will be the first to set in the evening.

Then move eastward through the night and explore the dense regions. For example, Sagittarius has the highest number of Messier objects – 15 in total – making it a prime area for exploration. Close behind is Virgo with 11 objects, Coma Berenices with 8, Ophiuchus and Ursa Major with 7 each, and Canes Venatici and Leo with 5 each.

If you are still up by dawn, you will be able to see your last objects low on the eastern horizon, especially the globular cluster M30.

When is the Messier Marathon?

The Messier Marathon takes place in March or April, chosen for optimal conditions. During this time, the Sun passes between Pisces and Aquarius, where no Messier objects are located. As a result, the objects remain free of the Sun’s glare from dusk to dawn.

For the best possible observing results, the main date of the Marathon is scheduled for a weekend closest to the New Moon. In 2025, the New Moon falls on March 29. The primary date is scheduled on March 22-23 under a Last Quarter Moon. A secondary date on March 29-30 will offer even better conditions, perfectly aligning with the New Moon for maximum visibility.

Also, don't limit yourself to the best Marathon dates. Less complete Messier Marathons can be held at any time of the year.

Best Messier Marathon dates 2025-2035

Here is a list of primary and secondary Messier Marathon weekends for the next years:

  • 2025: March 22, March 29
  • 2026: March 21, March 14
  • 2027: April 3, March 6
  • 2028: March 25, April 1
  • 2029: March 17, March 10
  • 2030: March 30, March 9
  • 2031: March 22, March 29
  • 2032: March 13, March 6
  • 2033: March 27, April 2
  • 2034: March 18, March 25
  • 2035: March 10, April 7

The dates up to 2100 are available on the Messier Marathon earliest website.

What can I see during the Messier Marathon?

The number of objects you will see depends on the chosen time and location, as well as your equipment and level of experience. However, don't hesitate to begin! Many of these objects are relatively easy to spot, even with the basic equipment and minimal practice.

5 Brightest Messier Objects

Here are some of the most well-known Messier objects, all visible to the naked eye. You don't need to wait for the Marathon to observe them – start stargazing on any suitable night.

Messier 45, the Pleiades

The Pleiades are an open star cluster in the constellation Taurus. It’s one of the most prominent deep-sky objects in the whole sky, shining at a magnitude of 1.6. Find out more about “The Seven Sisters” cluster in our dedicated article.

Pleiades M45
The Pleiades (M45) are an open star cluster in the constellation Taurus.

Messier 31, the Andromeda Galaxy

The Andromeda Galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation Andromeda. It is the closest major galaxy to the Milky Way, sitting “only” 2.5 million light-years away from our Sun.

Andromeda Galaxy M31
The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Andromeda.

Messier 44, the Beehive Cluster

The Beehive Cluster is an open star cluster that lies at the "heart" of the constellation Cancer and contains about 1,000 stars. It appears to the naked eye as a hazy patch of light. Because it's located in a zodiacal constellation, the Beehive Cluster frequently encounters the Moon and planets.

Beehive Cluster M44
The Beehive Cluster (M44) is an open star cluster in the constellation Cancer.

Messier 7, the Ptolemy Cluster

The Ptolemy open star cluster is located in the constellation Scorpius. It favors the Southern Hemisphere, where it’s best seen from June to August. In northern latitudes, spotting it can be challenging as it hangs low on the horizon. The optimal time for Northern Hemisphere observers is around 10 p.m. in July when the constellation Scorpius reaches its highest point in the sky.

Ptolemy Cluster M7
The Ptolemy Cluster (M7) is an open star cluster in the constellation Scorpius.

Messier 42, the Orion Nebula

The Orion Nebula is located in the constellation Orion, near the famous asterism Orion’s Belt. It stands out as one of the brightest nebulae, shining at a magnitude of 4.0. To the naked eye, it resembles a star, but with binoculars or a small telescope, it will appear as a hazy glow.

Orion Nebula M42
The Orion Nebula is a diffuse nebula in the constellation Orion.

If these 5 deep-sky objects don't satisfy your curiosity, explore our list of 15 brightest star clusters that you can observe with the naked eye!

Other events to see during the Messier Marathon: Partial solar eclipse on March 29, 2025

Alongside the Messier Marathon, skywatchers in late March 2025 can also witness a partial solar eclipse on March 29. The eclipse will be visible from eastern North America, northern South America, Europe, western Russia, northern Asia, and northwestern Africa. It will begin at 08:50 GMT, peak at 10:47 GMT, and conclude by 12:43 GMT. While the eclipse won't be visible during the Marathon itself, it offers a great opportunity for daytime observation before preparing for a night of deep-sky hunting.

Solar System Marathon

In addition to deep-sky objects, observers can try spotting several planets during the Messier Marathon nights of March 22-23 and March 29-30, 2025. Jupiter and Mars will be well-positioned in the evening sky, making them easy to see with the naked eye. Uranus will also be visible, though a telescope or binoculars will be needed to separate it from the background stars. Venus will be in solar conjunction on March 22-23, but by March 29-30, it will briefly appear about 30 minutes before sunrise. Meanwhile, Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune will remain hidden, rising too close to the Sun to be observed.

Messier Marathon: Conclusion

The Messier Marathon is an annual challenge for both seasoned astronomers and beginners, offering a chance to observe up to 110 deep-sky objects in a single night. Taking place in March or April, it’s strategically timed near the New Moon for the best visibility. In 2025, the event will take place on March 22-23 and March 29-30. Whether you aim to complete the full list or just spot a few objects, the experience is always rewarding. To easily locate Messier objects in the night sky, use the Sky Tonight app – it provides real-time star maps and guides to help you navigate the cosmos. So grab your telescope and embark on an unforgettable celestial adventure!
