Eclipse Quiz
On December 26, 2019, the 'ring of fire' annular solar eclipse will occur. This event will be visible from Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Southern India, the Philippines, and parts of Indonesia. If the weather permits, observers from parts of Asia, Europe, North and West Australia will see a partial eclipse.
In Singapore, the annular solar eclipse can be viewed anywhere. At the maximum phase, 94% of the Sun will be covered by the Moon. This rare celestial event will happen again in Singapore only in 2063.
Before the main event, find out how well you know solar and lunar eclipses. Get a better understanding of the types of eclipses and how they happen, learn some interesting historical facts of the celestial spectacles with this small quiz that we have prepared for you. Challenge your friends and family to see who is a real expert in eclipses. To complete the quiz, decide whether the given statements are true or false.
Make sure you’re fully prepared for the last eclipse of the year!