The Sun is the largest body in our Solar System and the most important sky object in all the human cultures. For astronomers, it also provides the most thrilling events, like eclipses, equinoxes, and solstices. Get to know our closest star better! Here, you'll get the detailed information about all the important solar events. Don’t forget that it’s dangerous to look at the Sun directly. If you want to check its location and the sky objects nearby, use a skywatching app like [Star Walk 2] or [Sky Tonight].
Solar Eclipse of March 29, 2025: Visible in the U.S. and Europe!
Mark your calendar for a deep partial solar eclipse on March 29, 2025! It will be visible in the morning in North America and Europe.

5 Upcoming Eclipses
List of 5 upcoming lunar and solar eclipses, their dates, timelines, and visibility maps. Find out whether you can see them from your location!

Fall Equinox 2025: When Is the First Day of Fall?
In 2025, the autumnal equinox falls on March 20 or September 22, depending on your hemisphere. Learn what makes this day special!

Journey to the Sun: The Life Cycle, Observation, and Fun Facts
The Sun: just one of billions of stars in space but so crucial for life on Earth. Discover the features of our closest star, from its true color to the famous sunspots, and learn how to safely observe the Sun's stunning beauty!

Vernal Equinox 2025: What Day Is Spring in 2025?
When does spring begin? 🌸 Why aren’t day and night truly equal on the vernal equinox? And why doesn’t it always fall on the same date? 🌍 Find out here!

Winter Solstice 2024: The Shortest Day of the Year
Winter solstice 2024 is coming on December 21 in the Northern Hemisphere — learn the science and culture behind the shortest day of the year.

Summer Solstice 2025: The First Day of Summer and the Longest Day
Discover the science behind one of the most important celebrations in the world. Here is everything you need to know about the summer solstice!

Solstice: When is it, and what causes it?
The December solstice 2024 takes place on December 21. What happens on the solstice? Here’s what you need to know.

When is Manhattanhenge 2024: Time, Date & Viewing Tips
Discover the magic of Manhattanhenge, a stunning celestial event where the Sun aligns with Manhattan's streets. Learn when to catch this breathtaking phenomenon.

What Are Solar Eclipses, Why Do They Occur, and How To Observe Them?
Total and annular eclipse – what’s the difference?🌞 Can you see the stars during an eclipse?⭐ Are sunglasses good for eclipse viewing?😎 Find the answers to these and other questions about solar eclipses in our article!