Astronomy Basics

Astronomy is the study of everything in the Universe beyond Earth's atmosphere. That includes objects we can see with our naked eyes, like the Moon, planets, and stars. It also includes objects we can only see with telescopes or binoculars, like distant galaxies and nebulae. But it doesn’t take much skill or equipment to get started with stargazing or amateur astronomy, and you can do it almost anywhere. Here you'll learn all the essential things about astronomy that will help you to pave the way into the world of stargazing.

Planetary Opposition

Planetary Opposition 2024: Jupiter, Saturn, and Other Planets At Their Brightest

~7 min
Astronomical News

The best time to view most planets is at the astronomical opposition. Find out what it means and when to see the upcoming oppositions.

Magnitude preview

How is Brightness in Astronomy Measured

~9 min
Astronomical News

How much brighter is the Moon than Venus? How bright do galaxies really appear to us? Are we still using a magnitude scale that was invented almost 1800 years ago? Let's talk about magnitudes!

Solar System Objects Comparison

Solar System Objects Comparison: Who Wins the Battle?


No object in the Solar System is a loser – each one has its own unique, outstanding characteristics. Discover the most extreme and mind-blowing features of Solar System objects like planets, dwarf planets, and moons. Ready to join the battle? Let's get started and see how much you know!

Solar Quiz: Discover the Sun's Secrets

Solar Quiz: Discover the Sun's Secrets


What is the Sun's real color? Why does it produce light? Is it a dwarf star or a giant star? Delve into the mysteries of the Sun and learn fascinating facts about our closest star. Are you ready to become a solar expert? Let's get started!

Mars in retrograde

Retrograde motion explained: what is retrograde motion in astronomy

~4 min
Astronomical News

Figure out how retrograde motion works and learn if you should dread Mercury retrograde.


Understanding Elongation in Astronomy: Find the Best Time to Observe Planets

~4 min
Astronomical News

What is elongation, and what does it have to do with the planets’ visibility in the sky? Get familiar with the concept of elongation and learn how to choose the perfect time to observe the planets!

Planetary Alignment in space

Planetary Alignment 2024: What Is It? When Is the Next Planetary Alignment?

~11 min
Astronomical News

Six planets will line up in the sky on August 28, 2024! Discover how to see them all and get a glimpse into the science behind planetary alignments.

Solstice in June 2023

Solstice: When is it, and what causes it?

~9 min
Astronomical News

The June 2024 solstice takes place on June 20. What happens on the solstice? Here’s what you need to know.

Earth Day Quiz

Earth Quiz: Explore Our Special Planet 🌍


From the magnetic field to the ozone layer, discover what makes our home planet truly extraordinary. Let's find out why the Earth is such a special place and compare it with other Solar System planets!

Space Exploration: Facts and Myths

Space Exploration: Facts and Myths 🚀


Is it true that tears fly upward in space, and astronauts grow taller? See if you can tell fact from fiction in this quiz! Test your knowledge and discover fascinating facts about humanity's adventures beyond the Earth!