Fun Facts

Space is vast and full of the unknown. Many secrets of the Universe are yet to be discovered. However, we do know some things about the unexplored depth of space. Let these interesting, unexpected, or frightening facts inspire you to further explore the wonderful world of cosmos and astronomy!

Facts About Uranus

Planet Uranus: The Coldest Planet

~10 min
Astronomical News

Uranus has a peculiar chemical composition, extreme temperatures, and the most unusual axial tilt. Here we’ll take a closer look at this planet.

Mars and its two moons, Phobos and Deimos

Mars: Facts About the Red Planet

~9 min
Astronomical News

Why is Mars red? What’s the gravity on Mars? Read this article to get answers to these and many other questions and learn more about the Red Planet.

Facts About Mercury

Facts About Mercury: All You Need to Know

~9 min
Astronomical News

Explore the closest planet to the Sun! Find out how long a day on Mercury is and how many moons the planet has. Also, keep up with the upcoming Mercury events!

Jupiter guide

Jupiter Facts: The Biggest Planet in the Solar System

~9 min
Astronomical News

The bright Jupiter is known for its many moons, unstable surface, and mysterious Great Red Spot. Is there something else? Find out!

Amazing Planet Venus

Facts About Venus: Explore the Earth's Sister Planet

~7 min
Astronomical News

Why is Venus so hot and bright? When is the best time to observe it? Read this article to get answers to these and many other questions about this planet.


Apophis: All About The God of Chaos Asteroid

~4 min
Astronomical News

Here’s everything you need to know about Apophis, the massive asteroid once predicted to crush into the Earth. 😱 See if you should cancel your plans on April 13, 2029 (and later).

Meme Quiz

Astronomy Quiz: Meme Edition


Let's take a journey through space with a sprinkle of internet humor! Get ready to test your astronomical knowledge while enjoying some out-of-this-world memes. Buckle up and prepare for a joyride filled with funny meme pictures and space facts!

Great Comets

Great Comets Quiz: Fun Facts About the Top Comets in History


Ready to chase some comets? Take this quiz to learn about the most valuable ones! The great comets are extraordinarily bright and appear in the sky only a few times a century. They can cause panic or awe, aid scientific discovery, or even help raise funds for observatories. Let's ride through time on the tails of the great comets!

Astronomy Day

Astronomy vs Astrology, Astrophysics, and Cosmology: Basic Concepts Explained

~4 min
Astronomical News

This brief guide will unravel the complex relations between astronomy, astrology, astrophysics, and cosmology. It provides a summary of each concept and its common traits.

The International Day of Planetariums 2021

All About Planetariums: What Is a Planetarium, And Why Are Planetariums Important Today?

~6 min
Astronomical News

Searching for a new leisure time activity? Visit your nearest planetarium! In today's article, you’ll find everything you need to know about space theaters.