Top 13 Deep-Sky Objects of November 2024
November is a great time for astrophotographers in the Northern Hemisphere: the nights are getting colder, which means there’s less noise in the images! Visual observers in both hemispheres also have a lot to see this month. In this article, you’ll find the best galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters that you can observe and photograph in November. We’ve arranged them from the faintest to the brightest based on their apparent magnitude. Our Sky Tonight will help you easily locate each of these objects in the sky. Just download the app, and let the astronomy adventure begin!
- 13. Silver Sliver Galaxy
- 12. Phantom Galaxy
- 11. Sculptor Galaxy
- 10. Dumbbell Nebula
- 9. Heart Nebula
- 8. M92
- 7. Triangulum Galaxy
- 6. Orion Nebula
- 5. Double Cluster
- 4. Andromeda Galaxy
- 3. Small Magellanic Cloud
- 2. Pleiades
- 1. Hyades
- What is a deep-sky object?
- Deep-sky objects in November: Bottom line
13. Silver Sliver Galaxy

- Alternative names: NGC 891, Caldwell 23, Outer Limits Galaxy
- Apparent size: 13.5′ × 2.5′ (0.3 x Moon)
- Apparent magnitude: 10.0
- Constellation: Andromeda
- Where to observe: Northern Hemisphere
- How to observe: The galaxy is not well-visible through binoculars. We recommend using a telescope with an aperture of at least 100 mm (4”) and choosing a location away from light pollution.
- Description: NGC 891 is an unbarred spiral galaxy about 30 million light-years away from us. It is a member of the NGC 1023 group of galaxies in the Local Supercluster. NGC 891 strongly resembles the Milky Way as seen from Earth because we see this galaxy edge-on.
12. Phantom Galaxy

- Alternative names: M74, NGC 628
- Apparent size: 10.5′ × 9.5′ (0.3 x Moon)
- Apparent magnitude: 9.3
- Constellation: Pisces
- Where to observe: Both hemispheres
- How to observe: The Phantom Galaxy has a very low surface brightness, which makes it difficult to observe. It’s best to view it under a perfectly dark sky with at least a 200mm (8”) telescope. If you’re an astrophotographer with a DSLR camera and a telescope, you can capture beautiful images of this galaxy despite its low surface brightness.
- Description: The Phantom Galaxy is a large spiral galaxy located about 32 million light-years away from Earth. Due to its face-on orientation and well-defined spiral arms, it has become a popular target among professional astronomers who study the origin and structure of spiral galaxies.
11. Sculptor Galaxy

- Alternative names: NGC 253, Silver Coin, Silver Dollar Galaxy
- Apparent size: 27.5′ × 6.8′ (0.7 x Moon)
- Apparent magnitude: 8.0
- Constellation: Sculptor
- Where to observe: Southern Hemisphere
- How to observe: The Sculptor Galaxy can be viewed through 10x50 binoculars, appearing as a fuzzy elongated patch of light. To see its structure, use telescopes with a diameter of 300 mm (12”) or larger.
- Description: The Sculptor Galaxy is an intermediate spiral galaxy located about 11.4 million light-years away from Earth. It is positioned almost edge-on from our perspective on Earth, but its spiral structure can still be discerned.
10. Dumbbell Nebula

- Alternative names: M27, NGC 6853, Apple Core Nebula
- Apparent size: 8.0′ × 5.6′ (0.2 x Moon)
- Apparent magnitude: 7.4
- Constellation: Vulpecula
- Where to observe: Northern Hemisphere
- How to observe: The Dumbbell Nebula is quite bright and suits well for amateur astronomical observations. Under a perfectly dark sky, you can spot it even with 10x50 or 15x70 binoculars. It’s still better to use a small telescope, though.
- Description: The Dumbbell Nebula is a planetary nebula located about 1,360 light-years away from Earth. It was observed by Charles Messier in 1764 and became the first object of this type to be discovered. The nebula is shaped as an irregular sphere with a brighter area that looks like a half-eaten apple. For this reason, it’s sometimes called the Apple Core Nebula.
9. Heart Nebula

- Alternative names: IC 1805, Sh2-190, Running Dog Nebula
- Apparent size: 2.5° x 2.5° (5 x Moon)
- Apparent magnitude: 6.5
- Constellation: Cassiopeia
- Where to observe: Northern Hemisphere
- How to observe: The Heart Nebula has a relatively low surface brightness, which makes it challenging to observe without a large-aperture telescope or the aid of long-exposure photography. Astrophotographers often capture it along with its companion, the Soul Nebula (IC 1848); together, they are referred to as the “Heart and Soul.”
- Description: The Heart Nebula is a large emission nebula located 7,500 light-years away from Earth. The nebula’s distinctive shape is created by stellar winds blowing from the hot stars in its center.
8. M92

- Alternative names: NGC 6341, Mel 168
- Apparent size: 14' (0.5 x Moon)
- Apparent magnitude: 6.4
- Constellation: Hercules
- Where to observe: Northern Hemisphere
- How to observe: The M92 cluster can be easily spotted with 10x50 binoculars or a small telescope. You can even see it with the naked eye under good observing conditions.
- Description: M92 is a globular star cluster located at a distance of 26,700 light-years from us. It is one of the oldest and brightest globular clusters in the Milky Way and contains about 330,000 stars.
7. Triangulum Galaxy

- Alternative names: M33, NGC 598
- Apparent size: 1° × 41' (2 x Moon)
- Apparent magnitude: 5.7
- Constellation: Triangulum
- Where to observe: Northern Hemisphere
- How to observe: The Triangulum galaxy is one of the most distant objects that can be seen with the naked eye. However, you’ll need ideal observation conditions and really sharp eyes to spot it. It’s much easier to view the galaxy through binoculars or a small telescope.
- Description: The Triangulum Galaxy is a spiral galaxy located 2.7 million light-years from Earth. Its name derives not from the galaxy’s shape but from the constellation Triangulum, where it can be spotted. M33 is the third-largest member of the Local Group of galaxies, following the Andromeda Galaxy and our Milky Way.
6. Orion Nebula

- Alternative names: M42, NGC 1976, Great Orion Nebula
- Apparent size: 1°30' × 1° (3 x Moon)
- Apparent magnitude: 4.0
- Constellation: Orion
- Where to observe: Northern Hemisphere
- How to observe: To the naked eye, the Orion Nebula looks like a hazy “star”. Binoculars will allow you to see it as a large, hazy patch with two “wings” extending out sideways. Through a telescope, you’ll be able to see the four brightest stars in the nebula, known as the Trapezium cluster. The Orion Nebula is one of the most popular astrophotography targets.
- Description: The Orion Nebula is a diffuse nebula situated in the Milky Way, at a distance of 1,300 light-years away from us. It is the closest region of massive star formation to Earth.
5. Double Cluster

- Alternative names: NGC 869 and NGC 884, Caldwell 14
- Apparent size: 1° (2 x Moon)
- Apparent magnitude: 3.7
- Constellation: Perseus
- Where to observe: Northern Hemisphere
- How to observe: The Double Cluster is visible to the naked eye, even in areas with moderate light pollution — it looks like a fuzzy “detached” portion of the Milky Way. If you use 10x50 binoculars, you will see that this object does consist of two separate clusters.
- Description: The Double Cluster comprises two open star clusters and is located approximately 7,500 light-years away from us. NGC 869 (h Persei) forms the western half of the Double Cluster, while NGC 884 (χ Persei) forms the eastern half.
4. Andromeda Galaxy

- Alternative names: M31, NGC 224
- Apparent size: 3° × 1° (6 x Moon)
- Apparent magnitude: 3.4
- Constellation: Andromeda
- Where to observe: Northern Hemisphere
- How to observe: When viewed with the naked eye, the Andromeda Galaxy resembles a small, elongated patch of light. For a more detailed view of its shape and luminous core, use 10x50 binoculars or a small telescope.
- Description: The Andromeda Galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy located about 2.5 million light-years from Earth. It is a member of the Local Group of galaxies and the most distant object visible with the unaided eye.
3. Small Magellanic Cloud

- Alternative names: SMC, NGC 292
- Apparent size: 5° × 3° (10 x Moon)
- Apparent magnitude: 2.1
- Constellation: Tucana
- Where to observe: Southern Hemisphere
- How to observe: The Small Magellanic Cloud can be seen without any optical aid as a diffuse “fog” in the sky. It is best viewed on clear, moonless nights. Using 10x50 binoculars will allow you to see that the Small Magellanic Cloud consists of numerous stars and star clusters.
- Description: The Small Magellanic Cloud is a dwarf irregular galaxy positioned about 200,000 light-years away from us. It is one of the most distant objects visible to the naked eye.
2. Pleiades

- Alternative names: M45, Seven Sisters
- Apparent size: 1°50' (3.7 x Moon)
- Apparent magnitude: 1.2
- Constellation: Taurus
- Where to observe: Northern Hemisphere
- How to observe: The Pleiades are easily visible to the naked eye: under dark skies, you can see at least six stars forming a recognizable “mini-dipper”. Binoculars or a telescope will provide a better view of the fainter stars and the nebulosity surrounding them.
- Description: The Pleiades are an open star cluster located about 444 light-years away. It is one of the nearest star clusters and the nearest Messier object to Earth.
1. Hyades

- Alternative names: Caldwell 41, Cr 50, Mel 25
- Apparent size: 5°30′ (11 x Moon)
- Apparent magnitude: 0.5
- Constellation: Taurus
- Where to observe: Northern Hemisphere
- How to observe: Though the Hyades star cluster is nominally brighter than the nearby Pleiades, it is very large and not as obvious to the naked eye. The cluster is best viewed through binoculars that have fields of view between 7° and 9° in diameter.
- Description: The Hyades is an open star cluster located only 150 light-years away from us. It is the nearest and one of the best-studied star clusters.
What is a deep-sky object?
The term “deep-sky object” (DSO) is mostly used by amateur astronomers to denote astronomical objects outside the Solar System that are not individual stars. DSOs include galaxies, planetary nebulae, and star clusters.
How to find deep-sky objects in the sky?
The most convenient way to quickly locate a deep-sky target in the sky is to use the Sky Tonight astronomy app. To find the object you’re interested in, tap the magnifier icon on the main screen, write the object’s name or catalog designation (for instance, “Pleiades” or “M45”) in the search field, and tap the blue target icon. The app will get you back to the main screen and show the object’s current position on the sky map. Point your device up and follow the white arrow to see where the object is in the sky above you. You can also activate the AR mode by tapping the big blue button at the bottom right corner of the screen.
How to observe deep-sky objects?
Here are some tips to improve your observing experience:
Plan your observing session beforehand. It’s good to pick a night when the sky will be dark for a long time. This is especially important for astrophotographers – the shooting process can take up to several hours. The “Sky” tab in the Sky Tonight’s calendar is helpful for planning (watch this video and learn all the features of the calendar).
Make a list of deep-sky objects that are visible from your location. Include details like their location, brightness, and the best time to observe them. Use star charts, astronomy books, online resources, and astronomical apps. With the help of Sky Tonight, you can get the list of objects you can observe from your location in a few seconds. Tap the telescope icon at the bottom of the screen to get to the Visible Tonight section. You can adjust the filter so that only deep-sky objects are displayed and then sort them by type, in alphabetical order, by date, or by magnitude.
To observe deep-sky objects, it's best to be in a location with minimal light pollution. The darker the sky, the more you will be able to see. Deep-sky objects are often faint and can take time to locate and observe. Be patient and allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness. Also, use averted vision – a special technique that is helpful while observing some faint targets.
Use a red flashlight while adjusting your equipment. This will help preserve your night vision.
Make sure to dress warmly and bring hot drinks: it can get cold at night, especially if you're standing still for long periods.
Deep-sky objects in November: Bottom line
November is a great time for observing some of the most famous and brightest star clusters – the Pleiades and Hyades. Along with the Double Cluster, Orion Nebula, and Andromeda Galaxy, they can be spotted with the naked eye, though optical devices will help you see more details. Use the Sky Tonight app to locate any of these objects in the night sky.