Meteor Showers to Light Up the Night Sky in November 2024: Leonids in the Spotlight!
Five meteor showers will reach their maximum activity in November 2024. The Leonids will become the highlight of the month. Use astronomical calendars in the Sky Tonight and Star Walk 2 apps to learn the peak dates for each meteor shower, see their radiant position in the sky above you, and set notifications not to miss the best time for observation. Also, read this article to learn the latest meteor shower news!
- November 4-5: Southern Taurids
- November 11-12: Northern Taurids
- November 16-17: Leonids
- November 20-21: Alpha Monocerotids
- November 27-28: November Orionids
- How to watch a meteor shower tonight?
- November Shooting Stars: Conclusion
November 4-5: Southern Taurids
- ZHR: 5-10
- Moon illumination: 15%
- Active: September 20 - November 20
- Radiant location: constellation Taurus
- Visible from: everywhere
- Description: This meteor shower is one of the two branches of the large Taurids meteor stream, which is associated with comet 2P/Encke. Taurid meteors are typically slow-moving, yet occasionally incredibly bright. This makes them a great target for beginners in meteor photography. Read our dedicated article on the Taurid meteor showers to learn how to get the most out of observing these meteors.
Visibility forecast
The Southern Taurids reach their early maximum on October 13, and the main peak of their activity is on the night of November 4-5. In 2024, the main peak of the meteor shower will occur during the waning crescent Moon phase, which will provide ideal viewing conditions. You may be able to see up to 10 meteors per hour under a clear, dark sky.
November 11-12: Northern Taurids
- ZHR: 5
- Moon illumination: 86%
- Active: October 20 - December 10
- Radiant location: constellation Taurus
- Visible from: everywhere
- Description: The Northern Taurids are also a part of the broad Taurid stream. Scientists believe that the meteor shower's source is the asteroid 2004 TG10, once belonging to a much larger object called the Encke Complex. The common theory suggests that around 20,000 years ago, this large object broke apart, creating сomet Encke, along with various asteroids and meteor showers.
Visibility forecast
The Northern Taurids are quite a weak meteor shower, producing up to 5 meteors per hour at maximum. This year, the meteor shower’s peak coincides with the waxing gibbous Moon, which will wash out most of the meteors. So, the Northern Taurids will be difficult to observe.
November 16-17: Leonids
- ZHR: 15-20
- Moon illumination: 98%
- Active: November 6-30
- Radiant location: constellation Leo
- Visible from: everywhere
- Description: The Leonids, associated with the comet Tempel-Tuttle, are famous for producing breathtaking meteor storms. Such storms occur about every 33 years. For instance, in 1966, observers in North America could see thousands of meteors per hour. The last Leonid meteor storm took place in 2002. The Leonid meteors are among the fastest, reaching a speed of 71 kilometers (44 miles) per second. Learn more about the Leonid meteor shower and how to watch it in our dedicated article.
Visibility forecast
The Leonids are the most prolific meteor shower of November, producing up to 20 meteors per hour. However, this year, the peak of the Leonids occurs during the Full Moon, which will hinder the observations. The meteor shower is expected to reach the highest rates at about 04:00 GMT on November 17. If the radiant (in Leo) is above your horizon at that time, you have a better chance of catching the meteors. You may also consider other dates, such as November 14 or the night of November 19-20, when the meteor shower rates are expected to increase. However, the precise number of meteors per hour during those dates remains uncertain.
November 20-21: Alpha Monocerotids
- ZHR: variable
- Moon illumination: 70%
- Active: November 15-25
- Radiant location: constellation Monoceros
- Visible from: everywhere
- Description: The parent body of Alpha Monocerotids is unknown, but it’s probably a long-period comet with an orbital period of about 500 years. The Alpha Monocerotids have been known to show outbursts of activity with a zenithal hourly rate of more than 1,000 meteors. The last such outburst occurred in 1935, and in 1995 the meteor storm reached the ZHR of 400 meteors per hour.
Visibility forecast
The Alpha Monocerotids are normally quite a weak meteor shower, and no outbursts are expected this year. In addition, the Moon will be in its waning gibbous phase during the meteor shower’s peak, so the Moon's light will wash out most of the meteors.
November 27-28: November Orionids
- ZHR: 3
- Moon illumination: 8%
- Active: November 14 - December 6
- Radiant location: constellation Orion
- Visible from: everywhere
- Description: The November Orionids are quite a weak meteor stream with a rate of only 3 meteors per hour. Some sources claim that the origin of this meteor shower is unknown, as the parent body may have disintegrated long ago. Other studies suggest that it came from a large comet called C/1917 F1 (Mellish).
Visibility forecast
This year, the observing conditions for the November Orionids are favorable. The meteor shower peaks a few days before the New Moon, so the meteors will appear in the dark sky. The best view of the November Orionids opens up at about 2 a.m. local time, when the radiant of the meteor shower rises to its highest point in the sky.
Are you ready to see the meteors? Challenge yourself by taking the quiz on how to catch a shooting star. And if you're unsure of your skills, don't worry! We've got here some quick tips for you.

How to watch a meteor shower tonight?
Prepare for the best meteor shower observations with the Sky Tonight astronomy app by following these steps:
Determine the peak time. Use the app’s calendar feature to find the meteor shower you want to observe. The peak times are marked as dots. Tap on the event to get more details.
Identify the radiant’s location. Check when the radiant (the point in the sky from which meteors appear to originate) is highest. Find the needed meteor shower in search, tap on it, go to Events, and look at Visible Passes. The middle time indicates when the radiant is highest in your sky. View its position on the sky map at that moment.
Consider the weather and the Moon phase. Use the Visible Tonight section (telescope icon) to check the Moon’s phase, weather forecast, and other stargazing details for your chosen date.

For more meteor hunting tips, read our dedicated article, or check our colorful infographic.

November Shooting Stars: Conclusion
Five meteor showers peak in November. In 2024, the most promising of them are the Southern Taurids (peaking on almost moonless skies) and the Leonids (boasting up to 20 meteors per hour). Make sure you don’t miss a shooting star! Easily locate any meteor shower's radiant and check the Moon phase for specific dates using the stargazing app Sky Tonight.
Wishing you clear skies and joyful observations!