Northern & Southern Taurid Meteor Showers: When And Where To See Them?

~5 min

The Taurids can be seen in November almost everywhere in the world, so seize your chance and join the meteor hunt! If you want to see the Taurids, download the Sky Tonight app. It will tell you when the Moon sets and the sky becomes dark enough, as well as when the radiant is highest in the sky and the maximum number of meteors can be seen.


Southern and Northern Taurids in 2025

Northern & Southern Taurids

Southern Taurids

  • ZHR: 5-10
  • Moon illumination: 99%
  • Active: September 20 - November 20
  • Early peak: October 12-13
  • Peak: November 4-5
  • Radiant location: constellation Taurus
  • Visible from: everywhere
  • Description: The long-lasting, weak Southern Taurid meteor shower is derived from debris dropped by a periodic comet 2P/Encke, the second such comet to be discovered. (Periodic comets such as 1P/Halley and 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko orbit in our Solar System on a regular schedule, never venturing too close to the Sun to be disintegrated). The larger-than-average grain size of the cometary debris often produces colorful fireballs.

Visibility forecast

In 2025, the Southern Taurids will reach their peak in November during the Full Moon, which will hide most of the meteors from view. That’s why it’s better to look for Taurid meteors in late October.

Northern Taurids

  • ZHR: 5
  • Moon illumination: 50%
  • Active: October 20 - December 10
  • Peak: November 11-12
  • Radiant location: constellation Taurus
  • Visible from: everywhere
  • Description: The Northern Taurids are groups of meteors originating from dust grains from asteroid 2004 TG10. The small meteors (dust particles) are distributed along the asteroid's orbit, with a greater number of them concentrated close to the nucleus. We experience the Northern Taurids meteor shower every time the Earth passes through this stream of particles. At the peak activity of the meteor shower, Earth will be moving through the center of the dust trail left behind by asteroid 2004 TG10.

Visibility forecast

In 2025, the peak of the Northern Taurids occurs during the Last Quarter Moon, which might hinder the observations. To avoid the moonlight, observe the meteors before midnight local time on November 12, when the Moon hasn’t risen yet. In a dark sky, it is possible to view as many as 5 Northern Taurid meteors per hour. And since the Northern Taurids overlap with the Southern Taurids, you may see meteors from both streams.

What is the Taurid meteor shower?

The Taurid meteor shower is an annual meteor shower, associated with the Encke Complex. The Encke Complex is believed to have once been a large object that disintegrated, creating comet 2P/Encke and several asteroids and meteor showers. That’s why the Taurids have two separate streams – the Northern and Southern Taurids. The Southern Taurids originate from comet Encke itself, and the Northern Taurids come from one of the leftover asteroids, asteroid 2004 TG10. So, the Northern and Southern Taurids are related and both emanate from the Taurus constellation but have different parent bodies.

The Taurids are visible everywhere on the Earth, except for the South Pole. They belong to the minor class meteor showers (those that produce up to 10 meteors per hour at their peak). The Taurid meteors are slow and occasionally produce fireballs, which makes them a perfect target for astrophotography.

The Taurid asteroid swarm: is it dangerous for the Earth?

The Taurids’ parent comet 2P/Encke is also believed to have “given birth” to the Taurid Swarm Complex (IAU Code: STS) – a population of meteoroids that the Earth slowly moves through every year. Astronomers have been keeping an eye on this region for a long time because of its potential to contain a considerable amount of large, kilometer-class asteroids. Some scientists believe that the Tunguska meteorite, which caused the explosion that devastated over 2,000 km of Siberian forest in 1908, came from the Taurid swarm. Note that the meteorite was relatively small, just about 50 meters in diameter. Larger objects can cause region-scale destruction if they collide with the Earth.

Dangerous Asteroids 101
Is there an asteroid heading for Earth? How big of an asteroid would destroy a city? Check out this infographic to learn cool facts about hazardous asteroids.
See Infographic

However, for a long time, researchers have been unable to confirm or deny the presence of such dangers. A recent study conducted by the University of Maryland has significantly changed our perception of the Taurid swarm and its possible threat to the Earth. Thanks to it, we now know that the risk of being hit by a large asteroid from the Taurid swarm is much lower than predicted: the swarm hosts only about 9 to 14 large asteroids (far fewer than expected). While it’s great news for planetary defense, the research team emphasizes the importance of further studies and better detection capabilities. Visit our dedicated article to learn what we can do now to spot and deflect an asteroid coming toward the Earth.

How to see the Taurid meteor shower?

You don't require any special equipment to enjoy the Taurids. Here are some tips to enhance your meteor-hunting experience:

  • Check the weather forecast and the Moon's phase to determine the optimal observation date for the meteor shower.

  • Use stargazing apps as your guides. Our apps, Sky Tonight and Star Walk 2, will help you locate the meteor shower's radiant in the sky and provide essential information about any meteor shower you wish to observe.

  • Keep as much of the sky in your field of view as possible. Find a location with a clear horizon and a dark sky, recline on a blanket or a folding chair, and prepare for the celestial spectacle. Look slightly sideways from the radiant's position (the constellation Taurus) to spot meteors with more prominent, longer tails.

  • Preserve your night vision. Your eyes need time to adjust to the darkness to see more meteors. Use red flashlights and night mode on your phone to maintain your night vision.

  • Dress warmly and bring hot drinks. The night may get chilly as you observe the meteors for an extended period of time, so ensure you are comfortable and prepared.

Get more tips on observing the meteor showers in our dedicated article and test yourself with the quiz on how to catch a shooting star to learn if you are fully prepared.

Meteor Showers Quiz
Think you’re a meteor mastermind? Dive into our quiz to see if you’re truly starry-eyed or just spaced out. 🌠 👀 Bonus: snag some pro tips to actually catch those elusive shooting stars!
Take the quiz!

Southern & Northern Taurid Meteor Showers: Conclusion

Two streams of the Taurid meteor shower – the Southern and Northern Taurids – will be visible soon. The Southern Taurids peak on October 12-13 and on November 4-5; the Northern Taurids peak on November 11-12. Although the Taurids aren't very prolific, they occasionally produce fireballs, making them a great target for meteor hunters. Use a stargazing app like Sky Tonight or Star Walk 2 to locate the meteor shower’s radiant in the sky above you and prepare for observations. And if you want to see even more meteors – check our article on meteor showers in November.

Happy stargazing!
