The Harvest Moon in October 2025 Is the First Supermoon 2025

~6 min

The “delayed” Harvest Moon will occur on October 7, 2025. It's the first October Harvest Moon in five years and also the first Supermoon of 2025. Want to see when it rises in your exact location? Use the free Sky Tonight app. Now, let's dive into what makes this Full Moon so unique.


When is the Full Moon in October 2025?

This month, the Full Moon will occur on October 7, at 03:48 GMT (October 6, 11:48 p.m. EDT). It will appear full for about three days, so start watching from October 6.

For the best experience, try watching the Full Moon around sunset when it’s near the horizon. During this time, the Moon appears larger (this effect is known as the Moon illusion) and takes on a beautiful orange tint due to atmospheric refraction — a perfect addition to the autumn landscapes in the Northern Hemisphere!

There's more: this Full Moon will also be a Supermoon! Keep reading to find out what that means.

Moon phases in October 2025

Lunar phases, October 2025
This is what the Moon will look like in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres on every day of October 2025. Explore the lunar phases more closely with our interactive Lunar Calendar.
  • Full Moon: October 7, 03:48 GMT
  • Last Quarter: October 13, 18:13 GMT
  • New Moon: October 21, 12:25 GMT
  • First Quarter: October 29, 16:21 GMT

Check our comprehensive lunar calendar, where you can easily track the Moon phase for any date. Plan your stargazing adventures with precise moonrise and moonset times, all in one convenient place.

You can also find out the Moon’s phase, brightness, location, and other details in the Moon calendar of the Sky Tonight astronomy app. Just open the app, tap the calendar icon at the bottom of the main screen, and go to the “Moon” tab to get all the up-to-date information about our natural satellite. The images of the Moon in the calendar correspond to the actual appearance of the Moon on that day.

Moon calendar in Sky Tonight
The Moon calendar in Sky Tonight provides you with up-to-date information about our natural satellite.

New Moon in October 2025 — time for shooting stars!

The New Moon will occur on October 21 at 12:25 GMT. This is the best time for stargazing because the moonlight won't obscure faint celestial objects. This October New Moon provides an excellent opportunity to view the best October meteor shower — the Orionids. The meteor shower peaks on the New Moon’s night, between midnight and dawn, delivering up to 20 meteors per hour. Want to make the most of it? Check out our dedicated article for tips on spotting these fast, bright meteors.

October Full Moon in Pisces

The October Full Moon can lie in one of three constellations: Pisces, Aries, or Cetus. In 2025, it will shine in Pisces.

Full Moon October 2025
The Full Moon on October 7, 2025, will be located in the constellation Pisces.

Bright “star” near the Full Moon in October

When you look at the Full Moon in October, you may ask yourself: “What is that yellow star nearby?” But it's not a star, it's Saturn! The planet will be bright (mag 0.7), having just reached opposition to the Sun a few weeks ago. Saturn and the Moon will be closest on October 6, just 3°20' apart, but they will remain near each other on the Full Moon’s night.

If you are not sure what that bright spot near the Moon is tonight, point your device at the sky with the Sky Tonight app running to instantly identify the object. Also, check out this colorful infographic to learn how to distinguish stars from planets in the sky above you.

Stars VS Planets
How much does a star differ from a planet? What's an easy way to tell them apart in the sky? Read this infographic to learn the answers.
See Infographic

Supermoon in October 2025 — the first Supermoon of the year

The October Full Moon is the first Supermoon of 2025. It will appear 6.6% larger and 13% brighter than an average Full Moon. This happens because the Moon will be near perigee, its closest point to Earth.

But here’s the catch — you probably won’t notice the size difference with the naked eye. To truly see the change, you’d need to compare a photo of a regular Full Moon (like the one on September 7) with a photo of the October Supermoon, taken from the same angle. Also, while former NASA astrophysicist Fred Espenak includes this Moon in the Supermoon list, Richard Nolle, who first coined the term, does not.

But don't let that discourage you! Learn why different sources define Supermoons differently, and enjoy the beauty of the October Supermoon!

Supermoons & Micromoons
What is a Supermoon and a Micromoon? When to observe our natural satellite at its biggest and brightest? Take a look at this infographic to find it out!
See Infographic

October Full Moon name

Harvest Moon meaning

The Harvest Moon is the Full Moon that occurs closest to the autumnal equinox, which falls in September in the Northern Hemisphere and March in the Southern Hemisphere.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Harvest Moon usually falls in September, but around every three to five years, it shifts to October — as it does in 2025. This year’s October Full Moon is the first Harvest Moon in October since 2020. After that, the next Harvest Moon in October will only take place in 2028.

In the Southern Hemisphere, the Harvest Moon takes place either in March or April. The next Harvest Moon for that part of the world is on April 2, 2026.

The Harvest Moon is so named because it rises just after sunset. In the past, this gave farmers extra time to harvest in the evening by moonlight. The next Full Moon after the Harvest Moon is called the Hunter's Moon, and this also has historical roots. After the fields were cleared, it was easier for hunters to see animals out in the open looking for food.

The Mid-Autumn Moon

The closest Full Moon to the fall equinox is celebrated by many nations. For the Chinese people, it marks the mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Mooncake Festival or Lantern Festival. It is the second most important festival after the Lunar New Year. On this day, people traditionally get together with their family and friends, eat mooncakes, light up paper lanterns, and gaze at the Moon. Similar traditions are found in many cultures around the world, including Japan, Korea, Vietnam, India, and Sri Lanka.

Mid-Autumn Festival
During the Mid-Autumn Festival, people make lanterns, carry them while gazing at the moon, hang lanterns on trees or houses, release sky lanterns, or visit public lantern displays. Lanterns of various sizes and shapes symbolize light on the path to prosperity.

October Blood Moon

Sometimes the October Full Moon is called the Blood Moon, which refers to the hunting season but not to the Moon’s actual color (not to be confused with the Blood Moon that denotes a lunar eclipse).

Red Moon

The October Full Moon might appear red or orange when it’s hanging low above the horizon. At this point, the Moon’s light has to pass through a thicker layer of air. As a result, the blue wavelengths get scattered by the atmosphere, leaving more of the red wavelengths, so the Moon gets an orange or reddish hue. Take our quiz to learn more about the possible colors of the Moon!

Colors of the Moon
Test your knowledge of lunar hues! 🌕🌈Only 15% manage a perfect score in our Moon quiz. Dare to be one?
Take the quiz!

Halloween Full Moon

The October Full Moon may occur close to Halloween, which evokes mystical associations. However, the October Full Moon rarely coincides with Halloween night itself. The next Halloween Full Moon will occur in 2039. In 2025, Halloween falls on a waxing Moon, which will set around local midnight, allowing to observe some spooky celestial treats

Halloween Moon
Some people refer to the October Full Moon as the Halloween Moon due to its proximity to the holiday. While not always falling on Halloween night, the October Full Moon often adds to the eerie atmosphere, making it a fitting backdrop for the spooky season.

October Full Moon alternative names

The traditional names used by the Native American tribes are the Migrating Moon (or the Travel Moon – at this time, the birds fly to warmer climes), Freezing Moon (or Ice Moon, because at this time, the first frosts begin), Falling Leaves Moon and Dying Grass Moon.

The other alternative names include:

  • Chinese: Kindly Moon
  • Wiccan: Blood Moon
  • South African: Seed Moon
  • Southern Hemisphere: Egg Moon, Fish Moon, Pink Moon, Waking Moon

Check out our colorful infographic to learn the names of other Full Moons in 2025.

Full Moons 2025
When is the next Full Moon in 2025? When to see a Blood Moon this year? Check our Full Moon calendar for all dates, times, names, Supermoons, and more for the year.
See Infographic

When is the next Full Moon 2025?

The next Full Moon after October 7 will occur on November 5, 2025. It’s called the Hunter’s Moon. Learn more about the November Full Moon in our dedicated article.

When is the next Harvest Moon?

The Harvest Moon is the Full Moon closest to the autumnal equinox. In the Northern Hemisphere, the next Harvest Moon will occur on October 7, 2025, while in the Southern Hemisphere, it will take place on April 2, 2026.

The following Harvest Moon will be on September 26, 2026, in the Northern Hemisphere and on March 22, 2027, in the Southern Hemisphere.

When is the next Supermoon 2025?

The Supermoon on October 7, 2025, opens the “Supermoon season.” After that, the next Supermoon will occur on November 5, 2025. It will also be the biggest Supermoon of the year.

Full Moon in October 2025: Conclusion

The Full Moon will take place on October 7, at 03:48 GMT (October 6, 11:48 p.m. EDT). In the Northern Hemisphere, it’s called the Harvest Moon, the title given to the closest Full Moon to the fall equinox. This Full Moon will also be the first Supermoon in 2025, appearing bigger and brighter than a regular one. Discover more celestial events in our Sky Tonight app and explore our Full Moons’ guide for 2025 to make sure you never miss one.

We wish you clear skies and successful observations!
