September Meteor Showers 2025: When & Where to See?

~3 min

Three meteor showers will produce the greatest number of meteors in September. Wonder how to catch "shooting stars" tonight? Use astronomical calendars in the Sky Tonight and Star Walk 2 apps to learn the peak dates for each meteor shower, see their radiant position in the sky above you, and set notifications not to miss the best time for observation. Also, read this article to find out everything about September meteor showers!


September 1: Aurigids

  • Designation: 206 AUR
  • ZHR: 10
  • Moon illumination: 64%
  • Active: August 28 - September 5
  • Constellation: Auriga
  • Visible from: Northern Hemisphere

Aurigids visibility forecast

This year, the Aurigids will reach their peak on September 1, at about 03:00 GMT. The half-lit lunar disc will stay in the sky for most of the night. The Aurigids favor the Northern Hemisphere, where their radiant is high above the horizon. In the Southern Hemisphere, the radiant is visible 1-2 hours after sunset, near the skyline.

About Aurigids

The Aurigids is a minor meteor shower. The parent body of the Aurigids is comet Kiess (C/1911 N1). The most recent outbursts of the Aurigids were registered in 2007 and 2019: the shower produced 30-50 meteors per hour.

September 9: September Epsilon Perseids

  • Designation: 208 SPE
  • ZHR: 5
  • Moon illumination: 97%
  • Active: September 5 - September 21
  • Constellation: Perseus
  • Visible from: Both hemispheres

September Epsilon Perseids visibility forecast

This year, the observing conditions for September Epsilon Perseids are unfavorable: they will peak on September 9 – the day after the Full Moon, so the moonlight will obscure the faint meteors.

About September Epsilon Perseids

Don't confuse this shower with the famous August Perseids! Unlike the August Perseids, the September Epsilon Perseids are not caused by the comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle. Presumably, the parent body of the Epsilon Perseid meteors is an unknown long-period comet. Radiating from a point near the star Epsilon Persei in central Perseus, these swift meteors enter the Earth’s atmosphere at a velocity of 64 km/s.

September 27: Daytime Sextantids

  • Designation: 221 DSX
  • ZHR: 5
  • Moon illumination: 28%
  • Active: September 9 - October 9
  • Constellation: Sextans
  • Visible from: Both hemispheres

Daytime Sextantids visibility forecast

The Daytime Sextantids will peak on September 27. The radiant of this meteor shower lies in the constellation Sextans, close to the Sun, so the Daytime Sextantids are only visible shortly before dawn. To spot the Daytime Sextantids’ meteors, start observations around 4-5 a.m. local time when the Sun doesn’t block the view.

About Daytime Sextantids

The Daytime Sextantids’ meteors are relatively slow — they enter the terrestrial atmosphere at a velocity of 32 km/s. The source of this weak stream is the Apollo asteroid 2005 UD.

When is the next meteor shower?

Our stargazing app Sky Tonight will help you quickly determine the peak time of a meteor shower and the position of its radiant, check the Moon's phase, and get other useful and interesting information for meteor hunting. Here is how to do it in three steps:

  • Tap the calendar button on the main screen.
  • Go to the “Meteors” tab to see which meteor showers are currently active. Each active shower in the calendar is marked with a colored line; peaks of activity are marked with dots.
  • Find the meteor shower you want to observe and tap the target button next to its name. The app will show the position of the shower’s radiant on the sky map on a given date.

Get more tips for watching meteors to maximize your chances of catching the spectacular stellar show in the sky, and then take our quiz about meteor showers to see how well you've prepared for meteor hunting!

Meteor Showers Quiz
Think you’re a meteor mastermind? Dive into our quiz to see if you’re truly starry-eyed or just spaced out. 🌠 👀 Bonus: snag some pro tips to actually catch those elusive shooting stars!
Take the quiz!

See Meteor Showers in September 2025

September brings forth a trio of meteor showers: Aurigids, September Epsilon Perseids, and Daytime Sextantids, the latter occurring during the daytime. While these meteor showers are not especially prolific, they are still worth seeing. Get the Sky Tonight and Star Walk 2 apps to keep up with the best celestial events every month.

Wishing you clear skies and happy observations!
