Top Star Clusters in March: Pleiades, Wishing Well, Beehive
March is a fantastic month for stargazing, offering clear skies and excellent visibility for deep-sky objects. Among the most spectacular sights are star clusters, which shine brighter than galaxies or nebulae and can often be spotted without a telescope. In this article, we highlight four stunning star clusters best observed in March. All of them are visible to the naked eye under good conditions. To make finding these clusters effortless, use the Sky Tonight app. Simply enter the cluster’s name in the search bar, and the app will show you exactly where to look.
What is a star cluster?
Star clusters are groups of stars that share a common origin and are bound together by gravity. They are divided into open clusters, which contain loosely bound young stars, and globular clusters, which are dense, ancient collections of stars. Star clusters are great targets for beginners in both observing and astrophotography since they are brighter than galaxies and nebulae, making them easier to see even in light-polluted skies or in the presence of moonlight.

Star clusters visible in the sky in March
We've picked the best star clusters to observe in March and ranked them in descending order of apparent magnitude, from the faintest to the brightest. With a minimum brightness of magnitude 3.1, every cluster on this list is visible to the naked eye under a clear, dark sky – no telescope required!
The Beehive Cluster

- Alternative names: M44, NGC 2632, Cr 189, Mel 88, Praesepe
- Apparent size: 1°09′
- Apparent magnitude: 3.1
- Constellation: Cancer
- Best observed from: Northern Hemisphere
- How to observe: Under favorable weather conditions, the Beehive Cluster can be seen with the naked eye as a blurry patch of light in the sky. With 10x50 binoculars, you should be able to see up to 20 stars in the cluster.
- Description: The Beehive is an open star cluster. In 2012, astronomers found planets orbiting Sun-like stars in this very cluster. These were the first planets ever discovered in a dense stellar environment. Learn more about the Beehive cluster in our dedicated article.
The Wishing Well Cluster

- Alternative names: NGC 3532, C 91, Cr 238, Mel 103, Pincushion Cluster
- Apparent size: 49′59″
- Apparent magnitude: 3.0
- Constellation: Carina
- Best observed from: Southern Hemisphere
- How to observe: On a clear, dark night, you’ll be able to see NGC 3532 with the naked eye as a hazy patch in the sky. Through binoculars or a telescope, this stunning deep-sky object looks like a collection of silver coins scattered about the bottom of a well — hence one of its nicknames.
- Description: The Wishing Well Cluster is an open star cluster. It was the first target that the Hubble Space Telescope ever observed.
The Southern Pleiades

- Alternative names: IC 2602, Theta Carinae Cluster, Cr 229, Mel 102
- Apparent size: 1°39′
- Apparent magnitude: 1.9
- Constellation: Carina
- Best observed from: Southern Hemisphere
- How to observe: The Southern Pleiades are fainter than its Northern counterpart — the Pleiades in Taurus — but can still be spotted with the naked eye. However, it’s best to use binoculars or a telescope for its observation.
- Description: The Southern Pleiades is an open star cluster. Despite its nickname, it is not physically related to the famous Pleiades in Taurus. The name comes from its similar appearance.
The Pleiades

- Alternative names: M45, Cr 42, Mel 22
- Apparent size: 1°50′
- Apparent magnitude: 1.2
- Constellation: Taurus
- Best observed from: Northern Hemisphere
- How to observe: The Pleiades are easy to spot in the sky — to the naked eye, they look like a fuzzy little “dipper” composed of six bright stars. With a pair of binoculars, you’ll be able to see more stars in the cluster.
- Description: The Pleiades is probably the most famous star cluster in the sky. It’s not only one of the closest star clusters to us but also the nearest Messier object — its distance from Earth equals about 444 light-years. Learn more about the Pleiades in our dedicated article.
Star clusters in March: to sum up
March is the best time to observe bright, easy-to-see star clusters: the Pleiades, Wishing Well Cluster, Southern Pleiades, and Beehive. With a clear sky and minimal light pollution, you can spot them all with the naked eye or binoculars. Want to track them effortlessly? Use Sky Tonight to pinpoint their exact location in real time. If you’re looking for more deep-sky wonders to explore, check out our list of the best deep-sky objects for beginners!

Other deep-sky objects to see in March
Even though March offers many stunning star clusters, this month traditionally marks the beginning of the galaxy season! Some of the best galaxies to observe this month include:
- Bode’s Galaxy (M81)
- The Cigar Galaxy (M82)
- The Pinwheel Galaxy (M101)
Want to explore more galaxies and nebulae this month? Check out our list of deep-sky objects visible in March to find the best targets for observation and astrophotography!
Messier Marathon in March: find 110 deep-sky objects in one night
March is also the perfect time for the Messier Marathon, an event where stargazers attempt to observe all 110 Messier objects in a single night! The best dates for the 2025 Messier Marathon are March 22-23 and March 29-30. To learn how to complete the Messier Marathon, read our full guide on the event, where we explain the best strategies, give observation tips, and recommend equipment.
We wish you clear skies and happy observations!