Constellations & Asterisms

A constellation is an area in the sky containing a group of stars that looks like a particular shape. Throughout history, constellations served to navigate the sky, and until now astronomers use their names to point out the sky objects’ locations. The International Astronomical Union formally acknowledges 88 constellations. Some smaller groups of stars are called asterisms – they also have particular shapes, but are composed of stars that are already part of a bigger constellation. The most famous asterism is the Big Dipper, a part of the constellation Ursa Major. Here, we provide detailed articles, colorful infographics, and interesting quizzes on constellations and asterisms. Learn to navigate the sky with us!

The Summer Triangle asterism

Summer Triangle: 3 Stars From 3 Constellations

~6 min
Astronomical News

On summer nights, see one of the easiest-to-find asterisms — the Summer Triangle. Find planetary nebulae, star clusters, and small constellations within its borders!

Constellations in the sky

Top 10 Most Popular Questions About Famous Constellations

~4 min
Astronomical News

Dive into the world of stargazing with our comprehensive guide to the constellations! 🌠 Find out everything you need to know about star patterns you see in the night sky.

Zodiac - Person

Journey Through the Zodiac: Astronomical Quiz


😎 Are you ready to take your zodiac knowledge to the next level? Our quiz is here to help! 🌟 What is the 13th zodiac sign? Do zodiac constellations vary in size? What objects do they hold? 😲 Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned astronomer, this quiz will fascinate and delight you. So, what are you waiting for? Take our quiz and unlock the secrets of the zodiac! 🔍

Winter Hexagon, a.k.a Winter Circle

Navigating the Winter Hexagon: a Quick Tour Of The Round-Shaped Asterism

~6 min
Astronomical News

The Winter Hexagon asterism looks like a big circle in the sky. Let’s see what celestial treasures can be found inside.

Does This Constellation Exist Now?

Does This Constellation Exist Now?


Cat, Fly, Electricity Generator — which of these constellations "exist" in our skies now? Look at weird and often hilarious depictions of constellations from old atlases and try to guess if they are still officially recognized by the astronomical society.

Circumpolar Constellation

Circumpolar Constellations: Visible All The Year Round

~6 min
Astronomical News

Discover the magic of the circumpolar constellations, from ancient myths to modern-day stargazing.


Aquila: The Eagle Constellation

~6 min
Astronomical News

🦅From ancient legends to modern astronomy, delve into the fascinating history of the Aquila constellation.

Southern Hemisphere Winter Constellations

Best Constellations Season-by-Season: Southern Hemisphere

~8 min
Astronomical News

🌃Discover the best targets within the Southern Hemisphere constellations, and learn when to spot them in the night sky. 🔭

Northern Hemisphere Summer Constellations

Best Constellations Season-by-Season: Northern Hemisphere

~7 min
Astronomical News

🌌Explore the beauty of seasonal constellations in the Northern Hemisphere. Find the best stars and sky objects for each season in this article.🔭

Vega Star

Vega Star Facts – The Brightest Star in Lyra Constellation

~7 min
Astronomical News

Discover the star Vega – the Harp Star, the Zero Star, and the future North Star. Learn about its location in the night sky, its significance for science and culture, and more in this article.