The number of stars in the universe is countless, but only around 2,000 of them can be seen with the naked eye in the dark night. And how many stars can you identify? Don’t worry, here we’ve prepared for you detailed information and colorful pictures on the brightest stars in the sky. You don’t even need to find each star’s location by yourself — our astronomy apps Star Walk 2 and Sky Tonight will guide you through the night sky showing the names, facts, and locations of the stars above you.

T Coronae Borealis Nova Explosion 2025: Has T CrB Nova Happened Yet?
A “new star” could explode at any moment in 2025! How can we see it? Learn all about the show-stopping star T Coronae Borealis in our article.

Antares: A Red Supergiant & Rival of Mars
Discover Antares, the red supergiant star in Scorpius. Learn how to find it in the sky and when the star will meet the Moon and planets in 2025.

Spica: Virgo’s Brightest Star
Discover the brilliance of Spica, the sparkling gem in the constellation Virgo! Learn how to find the star, when to observe it, and what is special about it.

Regulus – The Brightest Star in Leo
Discover Regulus, the Little King star, one of the brightest and easiest to find. 🌟 Learn how to locate Regulus in the sky above you and see its celestial majesty with your own eyes!

Red Giant Star Aldebaran: The Follower of the Pleiades in Taurus
Discover Aldebaran, the bright orange star in Taurus – possibly part of a multiple star system and host to exoplanets! Learn how to find this star in the sky above you and why it’s fascinated people throughout history.

Sirius: The Brightest Star Explained – Facts, Location & How to See It
Learn all about Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky! Find out why it's so prominent, when and where to see it and how to easily locate it in the sky.
Pollux: The Brightest Star in Gemini
Discover Pollux – the brighter of the two “twin stars” in Gemini. Learn when and how to see the star, and what is special about it.

The Pleiades: One of the Best Naked-Eye Deep-Sky Objects
How many stars can be observed in the Pleiades star cluster? 💫 Most stargazers only see six – learn how to spot more!

8 Must-See March Constellations & Their Brightest Stars
Discover the best constellations to see in March 2025! Learn when and where to find them, plus get a handy sky map for your location.

List of 7 Brightest Stars in the Sky
Which star is the brightest, as seen from the Earth? What star shines the most in the night sky? Tap to learn about 7 most dazzling stars.