What's up in the Sky?
Find out what sky objects are visible from your location and determine the best time for observation.

Ursa Majorthe big bear, the big dipper

SiriusHIP 32349, HR 2491, HD 48915

Venus2nd planet

C/2019 U6 (Lemmon)comet


Orionthe hunter

Astronomical News
Keep abreast of spectacular astronomy events and get notified about them on time.

Venus Facts: Explore the Brightest “Star” in The Sky

2024 YR4: Most Dangerous Asteroid in the Last 20 Years

How to See Starlink Satellite Train 2025?

Next Asteroid Predicted to Hit Earth: All About 2024 YR4 and Other Dangerous Asteroids

Vernal Equinox 2025: What Day Is Spring in 2025?

Bright “Star” Next to Moon: What Planet Is Near the Moon Tonight?
Extended Info
Explore satellites, star clusters, nebulae, galaxies, asteroids, comets, and meteors with various app's extensions.

Many couples enjoy stargazing on date night, but they may not know what they’re looking at. Star Walk 2 makes the experience of observing the night sky together much more informative. The astronomy app provides real-time data about the planets, stars, and other celestial bodies that couples see when they look to the stars.
Amber Brooks, Dating Advice
The original Star Walk remains one of the best apps for budding stargazers of all levels, but Star Walk 2 has added some excellent features for night-time jaunts. It will identify the location of stars, planets, meteors and nebulae, the International Space Station and comets. Point it at the sky and you’ll soon be marvelling at the cosmos.
Stuart Dredge, The Guardian
Star Walk 2 is a stargazing app with a beautiful, crisp UI. It offers a variety of camera modes: free roam, scroll/manual, and augmented reality. You can travel in time to see skies from the past and future, and the app also boasts an interesting "What's New" feed of the latest astronomy news.
Jesse Shanahan, Forbes

Quiz: What Star Is This❓⭐
6.8 / 10
Do you know where Polaris and Sirius are located? Test your astronomy knowledge with this quiz! Name all the stars correctly and win a prize!