
Astronomy — a science that studies celestial objects and phenomena — is the oldest of the natural sciences. It dates back to antiquity and has origins in the religious, mythological, cosmological, calendrical, and astrological beliefs and practices of prehistory. Astronomy has evolved from simple stars observing and charting constellations to the exploration of mind-boggling objects like black holes, white dwarfs, neutron stars, and supernovas. Here you'll learn the most important milestones in the history of astronomy.

Galileo Galilei portrait

Galileo’s Achievements: What Was Galileo Galilei Famous For?

~8 min
Astronomical News

Happy 461st birthday, Galileo! Let’s take a closer look at the legacy of this remarkable man and how his work continues to shape our world today.

Was the Moon Landing Fake?

Was the Moon Landing Fake? Debunking 5 Common Myths

~5 min
Astronomical News

Uncover the truth behind the conspiracy theories surrounding the 1969 Moon landing. Let’s face the facts and destroy the myths!

Comet Halley and Milky Way

See You in 2061: Halley's Comet's Comeback

~6 min
Astronomical News

An ancient celestial body of ice and dust is hurtling toward Earth. Will you get a chance to see it? Learn all about Halley's Comet!

Meme Quiz

Astronomy Quiz: Meme Edition


Let's take a journey through space with a sprinkle of internet humor! Get ready to test your astronomical knowledge while enjoying some out-of-this-world memes. Buckle up and prepare for a joyride filled with funny meme pictures and space facts!

A Brief History of Astronomy

From Aristotle to Hubble: An Entertaining Journey Through Astronomy's History


Learning history can be fun! Explore revolutionary discoveries and key figures in astronomy’s history through memorable cartoon-like characters.

A Brief History of Astronomy

A Brief History of Astronomy


From star catalogs on clay tablets to a photo of a black hole: explore the key milestones in the history of astronomy through this infographic.

Great Comets

Great Comets Quiz: Fun Facts About the Top Comets in History


Ready to chase some comets? Take this quiz to learn about the most valuable ones! The great comets are extraordinarily bright and appear in the sky only a few times a century. They can cause panic or awe, aid scientific discovery, or even help raise funds for observatories. Let's ride through time on the tails of the great comets!

The International Day of Planetariums 2021

All About Planetariums: What Is a Planetarium, And Why Are Planetariums Important Today?

~6 min
Astronomical News

Searching for a new leisure time activity? Visit your nearest planetarium! In today's article, you’ll find everything you need to know about space theaters.

Vostok 1 Spacecraft

April 12: Anniversary of the First Manned Space Flight

~6 min
Astronomical News

On April 12, we celebrate the anniversary of the first human spaceflight. Learn more about modern astronauts and space missions!

Space Movie or True Story?

Space Movie or True Story?


Did a NASA astronaut really play golf on the Moon? Have astronauts ever tried to carry a nuclear bomb to the Sun? In this quiz, you'll need to decide whether an event occurred in a sci-fi movie or in real life. Test your knowledge of cinema and space exploration history!