How and When Can I See a Shooting Star?
What causes shooting stars? Have you ever seen one of these? Shooting stars can be observed in the sky during the activity of celestial events called meteor showers. You can find meteor showers and learn how and when to see shooting stars in the stargazing app Star Walk 2. Here’s how.
Step 1. Tap the search icon in the lower left corner of the screen, tap the Solar system icon at the bottom of the screen and choose “Meteor showers”. You will see a list of the upcoming and past meteor showers with their dates and other info. Select any meteor shower from the list, and it will appear on the sky map. If you want to read the description, tap on the shower’s name at the bottom of the screen.
Step 2. Not to miss a shooting star, keep up with the upcoming meteor showers with the ‘What’s New’ section in the menu of Star Walk 2. Tap on the “In Sky” button on the news page, and you will see a meteor shower on the sky map.
Step 3. If you want to receive notifications about upcoming meteor showers, go to the app menu, choose “Notifications”, “Events”. Make sure that location access and notifications are allowed in the settings of your device.
Happy stargazing!