Partial Solar Eclipse for Australians

~1 min

The new moon supermoon on July 13, 2018, takes a bite out of the Sunā€™s disk, to stage the first Friday the 13th solar eclipse since December 13, 1974. We wonā€™t have another Friday the 13th solar eclipse until September 13, 2080. All three of these Friday the 13th solar eclipses ā€“ in 1974, 2018 and 2080 ā€“ are partial.

The Friday the 13th solar eclipse in July 2018 takes place mainly over the Southern Ocean area in between Australia and Antarctica. A very skimpy partial eclipse can be seen along the coastal areas of southeastern Australia during the afternoon hours on Friday, July 13, 2018. If youā€™re in a position to witness this eclipse, be sure to use proper eye protection.

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